19} Twisted Ankle

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A/N: the chapter before this - '18} Dinner Humiliation' - was out of order. It's found before the Zayn chapter, even though I updated it a day after. So basically, if you haven't yet, head back 2 chapters and read chapter 18 :)))

"I-I'm sorry."

I'm dumbfounded, "What?"

He licks his lips and stutters, "I-I'm just so sorry for all this."

I sigh, this is honestly not the time for this. I mean, I'm glad that he apologized but I wasn't expecting it about an entire month later. Besides, I don't really know what he's truly apologizing about - it could be about my dress, Eleanor, lying, or anything else.

As I think about it, annoyance soon creeps in. He can't just walk up to me and expect me to forgive him like that - not this time.

"Not now, Louis." I mutter and push past him.


I stumble away, still with my hurt ankle. All that's going through my mind is that I need to get out of here.

After struggling to walk through many hallways, I finally arrive at the front door. Unfortunately, about the entire family is mingling around there, meaning that I have no way to exit without being notice.

Just trying to get it over with, I put on a smile and somewhat walk towards the door. Already, their faces look over to me and I could see their sympathy - but I didn't want sympathy, I hated being that one person who everybody feels sorry for.

"Are you okay, love?" Lottie asks, coming towards me.

"Yes, I'm fine." I reply emotionlessly. "Sorry about the mess. I bet the food tasted great, anyways."

In the background, I could hear faint footsteps coming this way - footsteps that I know belong to Louis. I need to leave soon.

Johannah giggles, "Okay, well would you like to-"

"No, it's fine." I quickly interrupt, "Thank you so much for dinner and again, I'm sorry about the mess. Have a happy thanksgiving, guys!"

With that, I step out of the house before anyone can say anything else. I get into my parent's car and feel a tad guilty. I feel bad for leaving Johannah and the girls like that, they never really caused this and they never meant this to happen, yet I slammed the door right in their faces.

"Jessica, what happened in there?" My mother asks, annoyed.

"Nothing." I say through my gritted teeth.

"I thought it would be nice to eat here since you and Louis were best friends." She adds.

"We're not."

"What happened?" She asks, clearly not getting the message that I don't feel like talking.

"It's just- nothing, okay?" I frustratedly reply.

I sigh as I take my seat, ignoring my disappointed parents in front of me. As always, I rest my head on the car side and stare out into the window, just thinking.

Soon, I dozed off into slumber - the place where all of my problems drift away.


I take a seat down on the cold doctor's bed and look down to my throbbing ankle. Ugh, it's been hurting so bad for the past days but I didn't tell anyone about it because I hate the doctors. Plus, this wouldn't be the first time I injured my ankle anyways.

"Jessica, let's move onto the next house!" Louis screams as he's already halfway down the block with a sack full of candy.

"Wait, someone might be here!" I scream back and impatiently wait until someone answers the door.

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