5} I Forgive You

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A/N: Listen to 18 by 1D & Everything I Didn't Say by 5sos, for a more emotional affect for this chapter ;)



There was a knock at my door and being the only person home, I had to answer it. I was still in my pajamas and robe with dried tears and a messy bun, but I didn't care if anybody saw me like this at the moment.

"He-Hello?" I say unsteadily, my voice is still breaking from all the crying.

"Jessica?" A very familiar looking blonde guy says, holding a large basket and a bouquet of sunflowers.

"Um, that's me."

"Well, a very kind, sweet, and good-looking guy sent you this with all love. He says he hopes you enjoy it, and to think very thoughtfully about it." He says with his thick Irish accent.

"Uh, thank you sir." I say and take the gifts.

"Oh, call me Niall." He bows, "My duty is done, have a nice day!"

I close the door and set all the gifts on the floor. I'm astonished by all the work and thought that was put into this, but who sent it?

I start by opening the card that was carefully hand-made, I could tell they spent a lot of time on thinking of what to write,

'Dear Jessica Leeann Branson,

Where do I start? I've known you since the day I was born and everyday since then has been a dream come true. You've made my life easier by helping me with my struggles. You've made my life more fun by always finding something good in any situation. Nobody can take your place.

For the past few years, I haven't been with you though. When I stepped off the X-Factor stage, the only person I really wanted to talk to was you. Because you're the only person who understands me, the only person who's always by my side. Sadly, I haven't done the same and I regret it more than anything.

So, here's everything that I didn't say,

Believe me when I say that I haven't stopped thinking about you, every single day without you felt like another bullet to my heart. At first, I was beyond busy with meetings about music and what's gonna happen, but then Simon officially signed me up for the music industry. That meant I had to get management.

Management is the real reason I wasn't able to see you. They took control of everything that happened in my life and the boys, too. They changed all of my contacts, told me to not do certain things... but the worst thing the told me to do was forget about you. Since I was new in the fame world, they thought that publicity would think that you and I were dating and would cause a lot of drama. I wished I could've argued and let you stay with me, but they forced me.

Now I have you though, and I'm not letting you go. You may think that I don't care about you anymore, but I do. I care about you so, so much, Jessica.

And I remember everything's about you, too.

I remember the way I called you J.B., like Justin Bieber because of your initials. I remember the time where you scraped your knee trying to skateboard at my tenth birthday and I had to use a popsicle for an ice pack. I remember when we were thirteen, you got braces and we had to drink smoothies for an entire week. I remember the day we both tried out for the football team but I was the only one who got in. I remember the day you caught me writing songs in my attic and you sang along to the lyrics with me...

I will never forget you, Jessica. Even if I want to forget you, I can't because there's too many memories.

In the basket, I packed specific things that always reminds me of you. I know you'll know why I chose those certain things. But none of those things could compare to you.

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