13} Together

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"We're going to be doing some exercises that requires two people, so pick a partner and get in line when your ready." Coach Hanson instructs.

Immediately, I turn my head to Louis and Louis does the same. We give each other that look that all friends do when a teacher says you can pick your partners.

Everybody stands up from their spots and one by one, soon everyone had a partner. I was making my way towards Louis but people kept blocking my way, frustratingly making it hard to pass through. When I finally came close enough to clearly see him, I noticed something.

He wasn't alone, he was with another girl getting ready to go in line. A bit confused, I walk over to him with a puzzled expression on my face.

"Hey, Lou...?" I shyly say, getting the attention of both of them.

Louis turns around, "Oh, hey Jess. Um, it turns out me and Camila are partners."

My face slightly saddened, "Oh ok."

I speed away, avoiding eye contact from both of them. Why did Louis change his mind?

A pit in my stomach twisted with the feeling of worry, trying to find a partner. The worst part of having only one friend in a class is, if you lose them, then you have no one.

Frantically looking around, I soon realize that everybody had a partner... Everybody except for me.

Giving up, I get in line by myself and look down to my feet. I look like an uncomfortable loner...which I guess I am.

"Ok, class! We're going to run a mile on the track and you have your friend to motivate you." Coach Hanson places his whistle in his mouth, "And go!"

The line started to part away as each pair sprinted around the track. Unfortunately, I was behind of everyone so I had a late start, meaning that I was in last place.

I was never good at running. Every time I at least tried to run, I was out of breath and my legs were tired out by the first five minutes. Of course, my sucky skill of running didn't help me now.

I felt so awkward, just pathetically running by myself, slow and alone. People passed by me, which I wasn't surprised about. But one particular pair caught my eye and made my insides ache.

Louis and Camila jogged past me, both of them at the same, rhythmic speed. I could hear their breathy voices encouraging each other which also made me feel even worse while I was running with no one.

The rejection still burned in me. Why did Louis choose someone else?

Pushing my thoughts aside, I continue to somewhat 'run' the mile.

After finishing the mile - which felt like years - my legs give out while my breathing sounded like I just came out from the ocean. Snatching my water from my backpack, I gulp down every last drop.

Wiping the sweat off my forehead, I could hear giggling coming closer to me. I turn my head and instantly regret it. Camila walks over with Louis following close behind her, laughing together at whatever.

I grab my water, deciding to cool down somewhere else...somewhere else where I didn't feel like a reject.

Usually, I wait for Louis to head back to the lockers but right now I don't feel like talking to him. I head back to the school, not taking another glance back.

Several steps later, I feel pounding feet running towards me and someone calling my name. Instinctively, I turn my head to whoever's calling me.

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