Chapter 6

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Tris' POV
"Ok I dare you to go out to the pit and propose to the first person you see." Uriah dares Zeke. "Okay I can do this!" Zeke says. "Shauna come with me to make sure he does it." I say. "sure whatever." she replys. Zeke turns to Shauna when we get to the pit and gets on one knee. I knew he was doing this we all planned it. "Shauna, you are the most amazing person I have ever met. You're caring, smart, funny, tough, and sweet, but mostly you are Dauntless, and you are mine. And I will always love you, Shauna will you do my the honor of marrying me and being my wife?" Zeke askes. I can see her tearing up it takes her I while. I bet Zeke thinks she's saying no. "YES! YES! YES! I'll marry you Zeke I love you." Awww there so cute. Omg I'm becoming Christina what the crap is wrong with me. we walk back after there 5 minute kiss. Everyone knew what was planned so they all say congrats and we get back to the game. "Four, my best friend, C or D?" Zeke asks. "C." Tobias says. "Do you plan on marrying tris ever?" Zeke asks. "I wouldn't ever think different I can't see my life without her." aww tobias is so sweet. "Tris my love C or D." he asks. "C" I say. "YOU AND YOUR BOYFRIEND ARE PANSYCA-." Uriah starts to scream but gets cut off my Lynn throwing a pillow at his head. "Do you think if I asked you to marry me you would say yes?." Omg what kinda question is that DUH I'll say yes. "Duh I'd say yes Four." I lean in and kiss his forehead cause I can reach it since we're sitting. He smiles really big like its the best news ever. "Ok Chris C or D?" I ask. "DAUNTLESS!" She yells. "ok dare you to go find Peter and kiss him and tell him you love him." I say. She looks at Will who gives her a look like do it I know you don't really love him it's fine. "Okay." she says. "ILL GO AS WITNESS!" we all scream we all want to see this. When we find Peter he's in the pit on a bench. Chris walks up sits on the bench kisses his lips and to all of our surprises he kisses back. She punches him says she loves him then runs away laughing screaming "it's C or D I really hate you Peter!" We all decided it's been a long night after about 3 more hours and head home. It's about 11 now so I ask Tobias if I can invite my family for a dinner the next week. He said ok and that he'd love to meet them. I decide to write a letter for Caleb first. "Dear Caleb, I have a boyfriend now. His name is Four. I was wondering if you would come to our home for dinner next week on Tuesday. I'm inviting mom and dad to I hope to see you soon. I love you, Tris." I write the same to my parents and send them. I cuddle next to Tobias and fall asleep listening to his heartbeat and smelling his sent. I really love him so much.

Hey guys! I'm getting the iPhone 6 monday I can't wait. how was your week mine was short. I had my crushes mom as a sub today she's really nice❤️ please comment thoughts on what I write thanks for 101 views!!!! Should I do Zeke and Shaunas wedding or no? Love y'all.

ོ Kayla

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