Chapter 14

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Tobias' POV

After we walk in Tris' dad calls me son then kisses her head. She turns around and wraps her little, strong arms around me. I smile. "Hello, sir." I say. "Hello, Four. You don't have to call me sir." He says laughing. "Ya. You're part of my family now." Tris says kissing my cheek. "We wanted come over for dinner if that's alright. We didn't know how to contact you so we just came." Tris says. "That's fine, we were going to invite you to dinner with Caleb as well tonight around 5ish but seeing you're already here we only have to ask Caleb." Mr.Prior says. "Oh. Ok." Tris sounded sad about that. I wonder why. Maybe it has something to do with how he treated me at our engagement party. I will just have to show them how much I love her tonight at dinner. It was 3 when we arrived and now it's 4:45 caleb will be here soon. Me and Tris are in the living room sitting on couches talking with her parents. Tris has her head on my shoulder and her hand on my chest. I love her so much.  She's so perfect even if she doesn't believe it herself. We here a knock at the door and Mrs.Prior goes to get it. I can here their voices in the hall but I can't make out what their saying. Then they walk back. "Ok. I'm going to begin on dinner now." Mrs. Prior says. "I'll help." I say. "I will too." Caleb says. Ugh. We walk to the kitchen and start making boring Abnegation food. When it done we sit at the table and eat. "So. How have you been Caleb?" Tris asks. "I'm good I started dating this amazing girl named Cara." He says. "Oh we have a former Erudite friend named Will with a sister named Cara in Erudite." Tris says. "Oh. Cool she has a Dauntless brother named Will." He says. "OMG if Christina and Will get married we can be sisters if Caleb marries Cara!!" She shouts to me. I laugh. "Ya you couldn't be more like sisters right now though. Your so close." I say.
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