Chapter 15

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I really hated that last chapter but t was I. The car to school and I was rushing but ya I saw Insurgent on Friday it was so good
Tobias' POV

After dinner last night we went home and sat on the couch cuddling. Then we went to bed. Now I'm laying in bed watching my beautiful fiancé sleep. Its almost time to get breakfast and go train initiates. I have to wake her soon. But she looks so peaceful and calm and happy. I think about her. Everything that makes her Tris. I think about our future together. I love her so much. *beep beep* the alarm goes off now I have to wake Tris. I lean in and kiss her forehead. Her eyes flutter open. "Hey good morning, Tobias. What are we doing for training today." She says is her beautiful morning voice. "Morning gorgeous. We're doing fights." I say winking at her. She laughs her perfect laugh. "I'm not gorgeous. You know that, Tobias." She says. "Yes you are. I will do anything to make you understand. I tell you everyday. I try my best to help you see. Anytime I look at you, you blush as if you wondering why anyone bothers to look at you. But honestly, Beatrice you are the most beautiful person alive to me and that's all that matters." I say using her real name to show her I'm serious. She replies by kissing me softly, warm, and passionate. "I would love to keep going but we have breakfast and initiates to get to." She says laughing. "Awww those dang initiates always ruin the fun. Come on let's go." We take a shower and get ready and head to breakfast. "CHRIS!" Tris yells. Ouch my ears. "TRIS!" Chris yells back. "Guess what Wills sister is dating my brother! That means we could become married if you marry Will and Caleb marries Cara." Tris says. "Well that just leaves Cara and Caleb to get engaged now! Then we can be related." Then they start squealing like a bunch of Amity girls. What is life. We eat our muffins and head to the training room. I write the names on the board. The fights go in this order:
1. Emma and Tate
2. Maddison and Annie
3. Grace and Alex
4. Taylor and Tyler
5. Leah and Alex
We paired Leah with Tate because he is the Peter of the group. She needs to be out of dauntless. She backed off a little when she found out we were engaged but she looked ready to kill. The initiates arrive right after I turn the board arrive. "OKAY INITIATES LINE UP IN FRONT OF ME." I shout. "Today we are doing fights. We paired you up according to skill," Tris smirks at me knowing my plan about Leah and I continue, "this board says who fight who and what order you go in." With they I flip it around and show them who they are fighting. There are nervous looks, apologetic looks, scared looks, courageous looks, and tough looks going around the room. "FIRST UP EMMA AND TATE." Tris yells. I love her scary voice. It makes me melt inside. I feel bad pairing them. He's going out with her best friend, Grace and she's going out with his best friend, Tyler. It reminds me of our friend group- Will the Erudite Christina the Candor Tris and me the Abnegation- I hope all they're friendships last like ours and they get married like us. I want to do everything in my power to make sure they make it. The fight begins and Tate lets Emma win because he doesn't want to punch her. The fights go on and here's who wins
1. Emma
2. Maddison
3. Grace
4. Tyler
5. Alex
We dismiss them for the day and Emma, Tyler, Grace, and Tate come up to us. "Hey. What's up." Tris says casually. "We wanted to know if we could sit with you guys today. If you don't mind. It's totally fine if you don't want us too though." Emma says rambling her Abnegation showing. "Sure. You know you remind me of my initiation." Tris says. "How so?" Tate asks. One a nose always a nose. "Well my friend Will was Erudite and his girlfriend is Christina she was Candor like you to she says pointing at Grace and Tate and I was a stiff along with Four and we dated like you two." she says pointing at Emma and Tyler. "Oh cool." Grace says. We head to lunch. When we sit down we get questioning looks from our friends. So we explain everything. Christina thinks it's so cute how alike we are. We invited them to come again. Then we planned the wedding. Our wedding will be a double wedding with Christina and Will on April 6 which is in two weeks, a day after initiation. Then she drags Tris off dress shopping with Emma, Grace, Marlene, Shauna, and Lynn. All her bridesmaids. She chose Emma and Grace during lunch I guess. I'm ordered to go tux shopping with the guys so I do. We're having it at the Ferris wheel and the after party will be at the Chasm. We head home after all the shopping and I fall asleep with Tris in my arms.
Hi did you like that? I didn't much. I didn't like writing that one it was hard and I was like blahhh blahhhhh. Thanks for almost 3k views! Did you like the idea of the Grace and Tate and Emma and Tyler thing??? Idk if I do. Did u notice their wedding is on 4-6

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