Chapter 11

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Tobias' POV

We're walking back and I'm thinking about how much I adore Tris. She is my all. She is my life. I have never loved someone as much as I love her. She's so beautiful, smart, funny, kind, brave, and honest, and selfless, and there are so many other words to describe her amazingness. I want to propose to her. I think I'll ask the Zeke and Christina to help me ring shop on Saturday since we don't work on weekends. Christina because she knows Tris almost as much as me. "I love you so much, Tris." I tell her when we reach the door. "I love you too, Tobias." She tells me. I love hearing her say it. It feels more real every time. We go inside and get ready for bed. Tris is wearing my shirt she looks so pretty in it. "Why are you smelling my shirt?" I ask. Because she's smelling it for God knows why. "Because it smells like you. And your scent reminds me I'm safe and that I'm with someone I love." She says smiling. "Aww Tris I love you too. Goodnight baby." I say. "Night Tobias." But I don't plan on going to bed I'm going to Zeke and Shauna's place at 2 to tell him what I'm planning.
TIME LAPSE Two In The Morning
I knock on Zeke's door after sneaking out of out apartment. A tired Zeke opens the door. "What the heck man it's 2 AM!" He tell me. Nah like I didn't know. "Ya Zeke I know but we had to meet in private with no one listening." I tell him. "Why is something wrong with you and Tris?" He asks. "No. Things are great. That's what I came to talk about. I want to ask Tris to marry me." I say. "Oh dude that's great I know she'll say yes!" He says. "I am planning to get a ring Saturday with you and Chris." I say. "Ok cool. Goodnight." he says. "Night Ezekiel." I say. "Don't call me that." He says. "Whatever." I walk to Christina and Wills apartment now. I really hope she can keep this a secret. "Hey what's wrong Four?" She asks. "Nothing I was just wondering if you wanted to come ring shopping with me this weekend." I state waiting for her to catch on. "OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS OMG YES ME TRIS IS GONNA GET MARRIED!!" She squeals. "I haven't even gotten the ring yet she can say no." I say. "Trust me she won't. She loves you. You're all she talks about now. The way you kissed her the way your hair looks when you wake up and how you smell like safety to her blah blah blah other crap." she says. AWW tris is so cute. "Haha Chris that's so funny and cute I love her so much." I say. "I know you do Four, I see the way you look at her." She says. I go home and go to sleep after she says that cause I have to train tomorrow. I fall asleep thinking of all the nice stuff Tris says about me to Christina.
Tris' POV

"WAKE UP HON." I say as I pour ice cold water on Tobias. "WHAT THE HECK YOU COULDVE JUST KISSED ME!" He yells. "Oh like this?" I say as I kiss him sweetly on the lips. "Mhm" I hear him mumble while we're kissing. "We have training you have 5 minutes to get dressed go." I say. I go to the train gig room to set up. Bye now all the initiates might know we're dating because of what I did to that girl, Leah, yesterday. Tobias just got here and the initiates got here right after him. We're standing holding hands telling them about training. It goes bye fast then it's time for lunch. Zeke and Chris keep smiling at Tobias then at me....weird. Anyways I'm having dauntless cake and a sandwich. Lunch is filled with random talk about nothing in particular. After we tell the initiates since it's the first say they can go off and make friends for the rest of the day.
Tobias' POV

When I woke up this morning I told tris I was having a guys day and that she should go to the spa or something for herself. She said she would so good. I go get Zeke from his apartment then I get Chris. We shop around for a while then I find a really pretty silver banded ring with diamonds and one big black diamond in the middle. (Exactly the one on the top.) I buy it for 1000 credits then I go home to pick up Tris we're going to the Chasm. I'll ask her to marry me after we finish training the initiates and initiation is over. We go to our spot and talk and kiss for a while. "If we and when we get married would you want kids?" I ask. "Maybe I mean I probably would." she says. "Would you like to go home now you look tired?" I ask. "Ya I am." She says. And we walk home to go to sleep.
If they have kids comment some names for ideas to use for later it wouldn't be for another maybe 15 parts though. Bye I have to do hw😭

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