Chapter 18

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Tris' POV

It's my dad? What? My dad is helping Marcus attack me. "Beatrice, you shouldn't have left me." He says sternly. "I left because I wasn't Abnegation enough. I left because I wanted to be free. I left because I needed to." I reply back harshly. "Besides, I know what you've done." He says. "What did I do, Andrew." Saying his name like its a forbidden word. "You are getting married. I don't know the boy. For all I know you could've done it already. He's too old for you!" He yells. "I love him and he loves me. For proof he loves me, we haven't done it yet because he knows I want to wait till I'm older. He's coming for me. He will save me!" I yell back. He looks stunned. He looks angry. I didn't notice till now but Marcus left. I think he went upstairs. I take this moment to try and escape. I take the knife I hid in my back pocket and cut the ropes without Andrew knowing. He doesn't deserve to be called dad anymore. I jump up and punch him in the temple. He falls back stunned to silence. I kick him in the part no guy wants to be kicked. Then I slap his face and punch his through and stomach. I take this chance to tie him up and run upstairs. I knock out Marcus after a bit of fighting, and run to the train. When I arrive at the train I see someone in all black jumping off with 7 people surrounding him. Tobias, my Tobias, Christina, Will, Uriah, Marlene, Zeke, Shauna, and Lynn. I run up to them and jump into Tobias arms. "Tris!" He exclaims. "Tobias." I whisper into his ear trying to let the other not hear me. "I thought I lost you." he cries. "Well, were here to." Uri says. I give him a big hug, then the rest. "My dad and Marcus are knocked out and tied up in that house over there." I tell them. "Ugh. We were supposed to do that." Zeke complains. "That's my girl." Tobias says. "Why did your dad and Marcus take you?" Marlene asks. "Uh well, Marcus is a long story I don't care to explain, its kinda Tobias and I's secret. My dad, because I left Abnegation. Rather selfish if you ask me." I say. "I really thought my dad was fine with it. We have visited them a few times and they seemed fine. Maybe it was for my moms sake." I say. "Ya her dad even seemed to like me a lot." Tobias says confused. We all run to the tracks after shooting Marcus in the head and my dad in the arm and legs. We wanted Marcus dead but I couldn't bring myself to killing my dad. All of us run to the tracks. My friends jump into the car in front of Tobias and I's wanting to give us some space. We jump in after them. "I love you." He whispers into my hair. "I love you, too." I whisper into his neck. He sits and pats his lap. I go over and sit down in his lap. He kisses me gently and full of love. I'm warmed by it but I shiver. "Cold?" Tobias asks. "No, it's you." I say blushing. He just laughs. He pulls me closer and I pull off his shirt. I run my hands down his tattoo. (A/N i was laughing writing this thinking about the people outside the fence watching this. Does anyone else ever think of that or is it just me?) he plays with the hem of my shirt and hesitantly pull it off. I shake. "Tris, I know you want to wait, don't worry. I won't try anything." He promises. "Okay. I know." I whisper. He kisses my neck then my ravens then comes back to my lips. "I love you." He whispers. "I love you, too." I whisper. He bends down and kisses my stomach. "You are the most beautiful girl in the world don't be ashamed." He tells me sternly, yet lovingly. "Thank you." I reply. I can't think of much else to say. We stay like that kissing until it was time to jump. We jump off right after all of our friends.

Tobias' POV

We line up at the hole I jump down and I hear Zeke at the top. "Who's first?!" He yells in his usual, happy voice. "Me." I hear Tris exclaim, just like the first time. I see her fall.




She hits the net. I grab her hand and pull her down. I look into her beautiful eyes and get lost in them. "FIRST JUMPER, TRIS." I scream. Everyone around looks at me like I'm the biggest idiot in the world. Tris grins at me. We kiss but we're interrupted by a scream. Then Chris falls into the net followed by the others. We all go to the cafeteria for cake. "We are going to have dauntless cake at our wedding Tris. Okay?" I ask. "Okay." She says. After our cake is all gone we head to Zeke and Shauna's apartment. We hang out there for a bit, everyone else is drunk except me and Tris. I don't want to drink because Tris hates when I am, and Tris isn't because she's Tris. We head back to our apartment and eat dinner. When we finish we clean the plates together. "Tobias?" Tris asks. "Hm?" I reply. "When we get married do you want kids." Uh. What do I say. I'm afraid I'll be like Marcus, but I want a child so bad also. "Yes. I do want kids Tris." I saw slowly and quietly." She sighs and kisses me slowly. I deepen it. We make out for a while then head to bed.

Two weeks later.

Tris' POV

It's been 2 weeks since my escape. Today I'm getting married to Tobias. Our honeymoon will be in Amity so we can be away from our friends for a week. They always come into our room at the worst moments- even with the door locked- I've been staring at Tobias for about 5 minutes waiting for him to wake up. "Good morning, darling." He whispers in his sexy morning voice. He leans in and kisses me. When we pull away I say, "Morning sleepyhead. We're getting married today." With that his eyes pop open he jumps up runs to my side of the bed and picks me up and spins me around kissing me. Right then Christina and Zeke come in and laugh. Tobias puts me down, kisses my one last time and marches over to them. "If it wasn't my wedding day and I didn't need your faces not banged up is punch you both." He says scowling and walking back over to me. He picks me up bridal style again and begins to kiss me again smirking at Zeke and Christina's shocked and scared faces. "I need Tris to come with me to get ready." Chris says scared. "And I need you to come get ready." He says to Tobias. "We should go Four." I mumble into his shoulder. "Fine." He says. "See you at the alter!" I call out as Chris pulls me out the door. I put on my dress and the girls do my hair and makeup. For makeup I have black and dark gray eyeshadow, red lipstick, and a light pink blush. My hair is done in a tight bun, like abnegation, but the front has some hair out curled. They put on my veil and high heels and get ready themselves. We head out I meet Caleb in front of the walkway to Ferris wheel. Im behind all my bridesmaids so Tobias can't see me yet. They begin to walk. Chris with Zeke, because she is the maid of honor and he is the best man. Then Shanuna and Will, Lynn and Peter, Marlene and Uriah, and last Tori and Bud. I loop my arm in Caleb's and begin to walk. Tobias looks stunning. He tears up a little when he sees me and smiles so big I didn't think it would be possible. We reach about 3 feet in front of Tobias and can't take it anymore I kiss Caleb's cheek and run up to Tobias. He grabs my hands and his smile grows. I smile back. Max says stuff then we begin our vows. "Beatrice Prior, I have always know there was something about you since you literally fell into my life. Your eyes showed it the second I looked into them. We feel in love. I'm not sure when you fell in love with me, but I fell in love on the Ferris wheel. When you almost fell my heart stopped. I realized I'd actually hurt if you died. I felt I could trust you with anything. I showed you my past and we kissed on our rock in the chasm. You were so brave and beautiful I couldn't help but love you, so I did love you. Now you're going to be mine forever." He says. I started crying sometime during his vows."How do I begin, well Four, I like you from the start when I fell through that hole. You touched my hand and I felt a spark. I fell in love when you saved me. I learned you past. I couldn't think of you as weak after that. How could I? I thought of you as strong. When you kissed me there's no description of how I felt. Now I'm here. I never thought that would happen. I love you so so much, Four. We get lost in each other's eyes after that and Max says stuff. "I do." Tobias mumbles. Max more stuff. There's a pause and I realize I should be talking. "I do." I say. His smile grows more. I think his face is going to break soon. "You may now kiss the bride." Is all I hear before Tobias' lips crash into mine. I don't know how long we stay like that but it feels like an eternity. The dauntless around us are pumping their fists and screaming. I feel free, like I can do anything I want. I feel dauntless. We run down the aisle holding hands. We get to the chasm and cut the cake. I smash some into his face, he does the same to me. This starts a full on food fight with everyone. Tobias and I just stand there kissing in the middle, covered in cake. We head back to the apartment after several hours of partying and pack for amity. We hop onto the train and sit there waiting.
Hey I'm back from my trip and I hope you like that extra long part! I was hoping to get to 2000 words but I only got to 1834 words so ya oh well bye

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