Chapter 13

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Tobias' POV

I wake up to the sight of my beautiful fiancée in front of me. I get to see her cuddling me every day for the rest of my life. She will be with me through everything. We will be parents one day, I hope. "Tobias, you stare is burning a hole in my face." she says slightly laughing. How'd she know her eyes are closed. I lean in and kiss her forehead. "I don't feel a hole anywhere." I tell her smirking. "Shut up." She gets up to shower and get ready for the day. I go and I pick out an outfit and change. Tris walks out while I'm in my boxers. She blushes and turns away. "Sorry." She mutters. "For what? We're getting married soon. I don't care if you see me in my underwear." I say laughing a little. "Sorry. Old habit." she says. "Stop says sorry and kiss me." I tell her.Gosh she's so adorable some times. "Tris, we should get tattoos today." I suggest. "Mkay. What should we get?" She asks. "Surprise. I'm not telling you tell its on you." I say winking. "Whatever lets go." She replies. We walk to the parlor and Tori's there working on someones arm. "Hey Tris! The picnic was great last night Four." She tells us. "Hi." We reply. "We want matching tattoos but Tris won't know what it is till its on her. Ok?" I tell Tori. "Sure." I walk over to Tori and explain what I want. She gets to work right after she's done with that guys arm. We blindfold Tris so she won't see. Tori does mine first. On my shoulder I get Tris' name in cursive on a Ferris wheel. Next she does Tris. (A/N like that wasn't obvious😂) Tris gets a "T" inside a Ferris wheel. I didn't want to share my name with Tori or tell everyone who looks at Tris' shoulder my name so it was just a "T". She sees it and smiles then she sees mine and her smile grows. We thank Tori then walk to lunch. We didn't go to breakfast so we're starving. When we get there they ask where we were for breakfast. "I bet they were doing a little addition and multiplication." Christina says wiggling her eyebrows. "For your information Chris, we might be engaged but we've never done that." Tris says. Everyone laughs and says how surprised they are and all that crap. "Actually Christina we were getting tattoos." I say showing off me and Tris' tattoos. "T! SO YOUR NAME STARTS WITH T?!" Zeke says loudly. "Uhh... Ya..." I say unsure of myself. "Well you forgot to train your initiates earlier." Christina said. "WHAT?!" Tris and I say in unison. We look over at the table to our initiates laughing and talking. "Wait. It's Sunday." Says Tris. Oh thank God I got worried for a second. Tris and I decide to go to abnegation for a bit today. We can sneak out easy enough. We jump onto the trains and ride to abnegation. We jump off and I see someone I never thought I'd see again. Marcus.
Marcus' POV

I see a boy and girl dauntless jump off a train. The boy looks me in the eye. A look of fear and pain crosses his face. He tenses. The girl hold him tight when he whispers something to her. She pecks his cheek. Then I realize, that's my son. That's Tobias. And he has a little friend too. How lovely. I walk up to them. "Hello, son." I greet him. Then I realize the girl is the Priors' daughter, Beatrice. "Hello, Beatrice." She tenses too. My son must have told her everything. They must be in love. "Hello, Marcus." She greets. "Which way to the Priors home." She states flatly. "That way." I say pointing. Then I feel a pain in my head. Then my stomach. Then everywhere. Then everything goes dark.
Tris' POV

After he told me where to go Tobias and I knocked him out cold. He will be out for as few hours. We walk to my old home. I saw my parents yesterday but it feels forever ago. We knock on the door. "Hello dear." My mum says. "Hi mum. May we come in?" I ask. "Sure." She smiles at Tobias. "What happened to your hands?" she says gesturing to both of our bloody hands. "Oh I didn't notice they were bleeding. I'm sorry mum. We just had to knock someone out. That's all." I say. "Oh." She says awkwardly. My dad walks in and says, "Hey kids. You treating my daughter right son?" Aww he called Tobias son. "Mhm he is daddy we just came to say hi." I say. "Well hi." He says slightly laughing and leans in to kiss my forehand.

I'm gonna go read allegiant...again. Bye. Thanks for almost 2k views.

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