Chapter 17

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Sorry I haven't updated in 6 days I had a horrible week.

Tris' POV

Last night I had a horrible dream but Tobias helped me through it. Right now we are headed for a breakfast date at some fancy breakfast restaurant I don't know the name of. We walk in and get seated. We both order eggs and eat. Then we walk hand in hand to the training room. "INITIATES!" Tobias hollers. "LINE UP FOR FEAR LANDSCAPES PLEASE." I shout. We got done with the first half and Leah, Aspen, Ellie, Rose, and Alex got cut. All the initiates go through their landscapes. Emma has a fear of spiders, Grace has a fear of public embarrassment, Tate has a fear of the dark, Tyler has a fear of heights, Taylor has a fear of not making dauntless. When that's over we dismiss the initiates and head to lunch. Tobias and I sit with our friends. "So Tris when's the wedding?" Zeke asks. "I don't know. We haven't started planning yet." I reply. "OHHHH we should go dress shopping today!!" all the girls squeal. Me and Lynn just complain. "Whyyyy????" Lynn asks. "Because I wanna marry my girl sooner, that's why." Tobias says kissing my cheek. Aww. "Ok." I sigh in defeat. With that all the girls head to dauntless dresses. "What about this one?" Chris asks holding up a black skin tight dress that ends barely below my butt. "ARE YOU INSANE?! I'm getting married not going to a strip club." I retort. I look around and see the perfect one. (picture above.) I try it on and all the girls tear up. For the brides maids dresses we get a one shouldered black dress with the shoulder covered in diamonds with a diamond belt. For the Maid of honor (Christina) I get a strapless dress with a flowy bottom starting at the waist and a tight top covered in diamonds. With that we go back to my apartment and plan where and when. We choose the Ferris wheel and the after party to be at the chasm. Christina is in charge of decor and all that stuff. The date is a week after the end of initiation which is in 2 weeks. I'm so excited. When we get done I decide to go for a walk. I head down to the pit. All of a sudden I feel hands on me and they pull my into a dark hallway. All of a sudden I get hit with something. It knocks me out.

I wake up in a dark room. The walls look gray. This basement looks like my old one. "Well, well, well if it isn't Miss Prior." A cold empty voice says. "Hello Marcus, it's going to Mrs.Eaton soon." I say spitting his name like venom. "Ah yes well, we shall see about that." He says. "He will find me. We will end up together. We love each other." I say. "hahaha sure dear." He says. Just then a figure walks down. I can tell who it is. It's-
Sorry for the short chapter its late and I had a long day I'm gonna go to bed

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