Chapter 8

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Tobias' POV

Tris' parents have been here a while just laughing and talking since about three this afternoon. I like them, but they know about me being Tobias Eaton and I didn't even tell them. Tris looks and seems happy so that makes me happy no matter what. I've only kissed her once the whole time this is killing me. I walk over and kiss her softly but passionately. "Hey. You look good Tris." I say remembering that day when she saw me drunk during initiation. She laughs-her laugh is so cute-and says, "Thanks you too." Her dad looks awkward like I don't want to see this so I look around and see Uri and Zeke talking to Tris' mom. Crap! She looks horrified. What are they saying to her?! I walk/run over to here them talking about, Tris having a baby?! When did this happen? "WE ARENT HAVING A BABY!" I scream. Tris looks over laughing. "What?." I ask. "Uri, Zeke, and I planned to scare my parents by faking me being pregnant it's ok don't worry T-Four. I love you." Tris says. "Good cause we aren't married yet, I love you too Tris." I reply. "Yet? Ohh is my man planing something?" Zeke asks. "No not yet but someday the ring I buy will be on her finger cause it's true love we have and nothing else." I say walking over to kiss Tris. Everyone Awwws us I just roll my eyes. Soon we kick Uri and Zeke out and my parents sleep in the guest room.


Tris' POV

I wake up to a knock on the door and a voice screaming "TRISSY WAKE UP ALREADY AND STOP MAKING OUT WITH FOUR!" I open it pissed off to Christina. "My parents are here! And we weren't making out! And don't call me Trissy." I say. "There's a party at Zekes in 20 being your family." Chris says. "Ok." I reply. I wake everyone up and we get ready and walk over. When we get there I see.....

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