Epiloge~Chapter 19

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Tris' POV

Today is our children, Marlee and Dean's choosing ceremony. They are like Caleb and I, not twins but born in the same year. Tobias and I have been married for 18 years, that makes me 36 and Tobias 38, since we got married two years after I got into dauntless. We are still in love and Christina and Will, Uriah and Marlene, Peter and Lynn, and Zeke and Shauna, are all married now with children. Christina's son Carter and my daughter Marlee are in love. They have been since their fathers started training them for dauntless together when they were 5. I want them to get married really bad. Tobias and Evelyn met a few times all ending in fights, Marcus is still evil, my father died a few years ago and my mother is still sad about it, Caleb is becoming close to being Erudite leader, Eric got kicked out of dauntless for committing too many murders and rapes-it's Eric what else do you expect? We are on the train to the choosing ceremony right now I can only hope my children stay here. Dean likes Sophie, Uriah's daughter, she likes him too but Uri is too protective. It's funny really. We are stopping now, I jump and the others follow, "First jumper, Tris!" Tobias jokes and all our friends laugh and the kids look at us questioningly. We have really grown. I used to be a pale skinned, flat chested, weak, abnegation transfer, now I'm a strong dauntless prodigy married to a dauntless prodigy with two wonderful children. "Marlee Eaton!" Jeanine calls from the stage. "Oh great another Eaton." I hear her mumble, were sitting close to the stage. "Dauntless!" She calls. I smile and she walks back hugs Tobias and I and goes to kiss Carter. "Dean Eaton!" She calls. He stalls up there. I know Marlee isn't divergent because she knew her choice right away and we asked her the other day, but I fear Dean might be. "Hurry up, dear." Jeanine says annoyed. "Dauntless!" I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as my sons blood drips onto the hot coals and makes a sizzling noise. He hugs me. All of the gangs children choose dauntless except for Ezra, Peter and Lynn's kid, he choose Candor. We always knew but no one ever said it out loud. That kid is a smart mouth. We jump on the train. All of the kids made dauntless, Marlee and Carter coming in first.

25 years later

Years ago Marlee and Carter married, as did Dean and Sophie. Both of the couples had beautiful children whom I'm proud to be the grandma of, but today Tobias, Christina, Shauna, Zeke, Will, Uriah, Peter, Lynn, Marlene, and I take the jump into the chasm. The last adventure we take together, death. After many kidnappings, near death experiences, pregnancies, marriages, and other situations this seems the saddest and scariest. We have to leave each other and our family and our home. (I'm balling my eyes out writing this omg I can't even!!!) we pull into a group hug. I think about my now dead parents, Caleb, Susan, Robert, Al, Molly, Drew, Eric, Jeanine, Marcus, Evelyn, Tobias, the gang, my kids crying in the corner, myself, my mistakes in life, my choices, wondering if I would take anything back if I could. I think about the happiness I got from dauntless, the joy I got, but also the fear and pain. The good out weighs the bad. I thank God for my well lived life, give Tobias one last lingering kiss, and line up with my friends at the chasm. We join hands, Christina on my left Tobias on my right.


We jump. I feel the impact of the rock on my head. Then my life flashes before my eyes. I hear loud sobs above. I feel a hand fall out of mine. Then n o t h i n g nothing at all. It's blackness. Then I see heaven. I'm gone from the world forever now, entering Gods kingdom, my friends lined up beside me were all goofing off like a bunch of dauntless, and together we run down the street of gold and into the pearl gates. Joy is all I feel. "Be brave."

The end

Wow it's over! I hope you all enjoyed my story and enjoyed the ending! Thank you all for reading and voting and commenting it means a lot to me! Be brave <4.

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