Chapter 9

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Authors note... ok so I know I said I was gonna stop writing for a while but I enjoy it so much and I don't give a crap if it's not enjoyed by a least one other person I just wanna do it for me. Thanks to those few who do read the story and like it. I'm gonna write now bye.

Tris' POV

When I get there I see....
(Recap over)
When I get there I see Will on one knee and I crying Christina in front of him. Omg is he proposing? Is Chris gonna say yes? I was kinda shipping her with Uriah but also Will so I'm good with either! But Wills proposing!! Yay Christina's gonna get married!

Christina's POV

"Christina I've loved you since you asked Four why his name was four and if 1-3 were taken. I thought it was so funny. I thought you were amazing. I finally got the courage to ask you out, then our first kiss. Christina you are an amazing person, and an amazing friend, you love me so much and I love you. I couldn't imagine life without you. Christina will you do me the honor of being my wife? Will you marry me Christina? I love you." Will just freaking proposed. OMG WAIT WILL PROPOSED! This is the happiest moment ever. I'm gonna get married! Oh I still haven't answered. Smooth Christina. "YES WILL! YES A MILLON TIMES YES! I love you so much!" He slides the ring on my finger it's a silver band with a dark colored pearl in the middle with 4 black diamonds surrounding it. "It's amazing Will. It's so beautiful!" I'm starting to cry. Gosh I'm such a pansycake!

Tris' POV

Yay! Chris said yes I'm so happy for her. Aw their kissing. Gosh I'm becoming such a Christina. I wonder when Tobias will ask me to marry him... Oh ya were here for a party my family's behind me. Tobias included. "MY HOUSE ME FIRST!" Shouts Uriah. "Mrs.Tris' mom Candor or dauntless?" Wow Uriah is so weird... "Ummmm Candor." my mom says. "Ok I dare you to prank call Marcus Eaton and tell him that you're pregnant with his baby, but you have to make yourself sound like a male." I feel Tobias tense up at the mention of his dad and that he has to hear his dad's voice. I feel really bad for him so I give him a kiss even though my parents are here.

"Hello. Marcus, I'm pregnant."

"That's great. Who is this."

"Marcus you don't understand it's your baby."

"That's impossible you're a male!"

"Well I expect you to help with our little girl goodbye, Marcus."



"Humph bye then."

We all die laughing, even my dad. That was amazing. "Ok um, Four c or d." My mom asks Tobias. "Ummm C." He states. "Ok tell me the truth what do you love about my daughter why are you too dating." My mom asks. "Well for starters she beautiful. Not only on the outside. She has this AMAZING personality that lights up a whole room. She's the reason I can smile. She's the reason I've almost completely let go of my past. She's the love of my life. She's smart. She's funny. She's brave. She's kind. She's loyal. She's loving. She's honest. She's all around amazing and mine and she loves me she knows everything about me and she's independent she won't go farther than she wants and I respect that. She has these amazing eyes that I wake up to every morning and this amazing smile. And she's so pretty even if she doesn't think so herself." He says. Oh my gosh. I'm crying now that was so sweet. Theres a series of awwws and ohhhhs around the room. I just give him a kiss. "Uriah c or d?" Tobias asks. "D IM NOT NO PANSYCAKE!" Uriah shouts. "Ok I dare you to play 7 minutes in heaven with Mar." he says. "Ok come on Marlene." He says. When they come back Uriah asks Caleb (A/U yes he's still here with Susan.) "C or D." "Ummmm.....d" Caleb says. "Ok I dare you to go get a tattoo of Susan's name on you're wrist." Uriah says. We all go and watch I can't believe he's actually doing this. Caleb is getting a tattoo. Wow never thought I'd see the day. When he's done he says "Christina c or d." Christina replies, "C." "What's you're most embarrassing fear." Caleb asks. I die laughing cause I know what it is. "Moths...." Chris mumbles. Everyone dies laughing. "Hey! Uriah why are you laughing I saw you're fears you're scared of you're tattoos coming to life and eating you. Who's is more pathetic? Moths or live tattoos eating you?" Tobias asks. everyone really looses it now. "WAIT THATS YOURE FEAR WOW AND I THOUGHT I ACTUALLY HAD A NON PANSYCAKE BROTHER HAHAHA." Zeke shouts. "That was private Four!" Uriah scowls. "Ok Tris, C or D?" Chris asks. "ummm....D" I reply. "Ok I dare you to be my maid of honor in my wedding." She says. "OH CHRIS id love to thank you." I reply

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