Chapter 10

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1 week later
(Last time they had a party and Chris got engaged and tris is her maid of honor so ya that's all)

Tris' POV

Today Tobias and I are going to train initiates. Chris and Will and training Dauntless-Borns. It's 8:30 and my alarm clock just went off we have to be at the net at 10:45 to meet the initiates. Me and Tobias plan on not hiding our relationship because it would be too hard. But we're not telling them right away they will have to guess. Now I have to wake Tobias. "WAKE UP WE HAVE TO GET THE INITIATES IN ABOUT 2 HOURS!!!" I scream. "OH MY GOD TRIS SHUT UP YOU SCARED ME!" He yells. "Sorry but it's time to get up were meeting Chris and Will for breakfast at the cafeteria in 20 minutes get you're butt up before I push you out of bed." I say. "Fine." He mumbles. Then he gets up gives me a kiss and goes to change. I get into a tight black tank-top that shows my tattoo, black leggings, a leather jacket, and combat boots. My makeup is light pink lipgloss, smokey eye eyeshadow, and a little blush. Tobias comes out in dark jeans and a tight black top. You can just barley see the dauntless fire on his back. I get up to give him a kiss. "Beautiful." he whispers in my ear. "No Tobias, I'm not." I reply because I know I'm not. He just thinks I am. "Tris, don't you dare say that! You are the most beautiful girl in dauntless. Looks don't matter it's the heart that counts and you have a beautiful personality. But you're also very pretty so don't say you're not because you are and I'm telling you that and I don't lie to you so believe me." He says. "Okay." I whisper. And with that we go to breakfast. When we get there Chris sees us and waves us over. We talk about our plans for training and stuff. The others arrive and we talk about other stuff then it's time to go.

Tobias' POV

This morning Tris said she wasn't beautiful. It broke my heart because she is. She thinks I care about what she looks like, but I don't. Right now we're waiting for the first jumper. I can here Eric's speech from down here. The jumper is about to jump now. "I bet you first jumper is Candor." I hear Chris say. "I bet it's Erudite." Will says. "I bet Amity." I say. "I bet Abnegation." Tris says. Just then we see a flash of gray start to fall then a scream and then a crash. She fell into the net. Tris goes up to get her. I hear her say, "Choose wisely you can't pick again." Then the girl mumbles and tris shouts, "FIRST JUMPER, EMMA!" The dauntless make a bunch of noise and Emma stands there grinning. Just then a black and white blob falls into the net. I go to get her. Her name is Grace. She and Emma are like Tris and Christina. (Here's the list of initiates)

1:Emma- 1st jumper Abnegation. Brunette (girl)
2:Grace- 2nd jumper Candor. Blonde (girl)
3:Alex- 3rd jumper Amity. Brunette (boy)
4:Asher- 4th jumper Candor. Red-Head. (Boy)
5:Aspen- 5th jumper Dauntless-Born. Blonde. (Boy)
6:Ellie- 6th Jumper dauntless-born. Red-head (girl)
7:Rose- 7th jumper dauntless-born. Blonde. (Girl)
8: Caleb- dauntless-born. Brunette. (Boy)
9:Luke- dauntless-born. Brunette. (Boy)
10:Logan- dauntless-born. Brunette. (Boy)
11:Riley-Dauntless-born. Blonde. (Girl)
12:Haley-Dauntless-born. Blonde. (Girl.)
13:Nicole-Dauntless-born. Brunette. (Girl)
14:Sage-dauntless-born. blonde. (Girl)
15:Maddison-Candor. Blonde (girl)
16:Annie-Erudite. Brunette. (girl)
17:Leah-Candor. Blonde. (Girl)
18:Taylor-Amity. Red-head. (Girl)
19:Tate-Erudite. Brunette. (Boy)
20:Tyler- Abnegation. Blonde. (Boy)

We have 10 of each this year which means we have to get rid of 10 initiates this year. 5 from each group. Tris grabs my hand and kisses my cheek and all the initiates stand there opened mouthed some look jealous some look happy. "IM FOUR AND THIS IS TRIS." I shout. Then we begin the tour. "This is the pit-" I say but I get cut off by Leah. "Nice name...not." she says. I go up to her in her face and tell her what I told Christina when I get done she kisses my lips. I'm about to punch her but before I can she's on the ground crying out in pain. I look to Tris who's punching her on the ground.That's my girl. "Ok Tris that's enough she's knocked out now." I say. "STAY AWAY FROM FOUR!" She shouts at Leah's unconscious body. All the initiates looks scared. Haha. I think. We take the initiates to their dorms and then take Leah to the infirmary. Tomorrow we begin training. We walk back to the dorms and tell the initiates to be in the cafeteria at 7 the next morning if they want to eat before training. The we walk back to our apartment hand in hand.

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