Chapter 8

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L: So uh hehe, how is it so far? As I've stated in my posts, I'm updating every single story on this account and I'm adding a new story by Wednesday, February 17. I sure hope you all go read them!! And if you like Nick and Oliver, then check out their story, Fate!!
Song for this Chapter-- Hey Jealousy by Gin Blossoms.
Enjoy! Comment! Vote!

*Lance POV*

After hours of-

"YOU BROKE MY SPOON!" Ash yells from the backseat.



"I-what?" Spencer asks, looking confused.

Anyway, after hours of gossiping with Oliver, stomach's start to grumble and we pull over to find a place to eat.

While we're arguing, Spencer stalks off. I- of course- am the first to notice and chase after him. Oliver, seeing me flee, comes after me. Nick soon follows. Then Brad.

Ash continues to stand there, eyes closed, arguing with himself. It takes him two full minutes to realize our absence and he joins us moments later.

"Where are we going?" Oliver asks shyly.

Spencer points directly in front of us to a riverside restaurant, "My family used to stop here on our way to Florida."

"Riverside? Nice! Good going man!" Nick says, slapping him on the back in congratulations.

Nick and Brad high-five and Oliver smiles. Nick catches his gaze and blushes. Something is still off about those two.....

With Spencer's guidance, we get a nice table on the outside deck, over-looking the river.

"Wow it's beautiful! I've never seen this side of the river before..." I say in awe. Sitting where I was I could take in the view. Spencer sits to my right, Nick and Oliver sit across from us and Brad and Ash take up the end seats.

"Lance, have you never been out of state before?" Oliver asks.

I shake my head sheepishly.

"Really?" Nick speaks up, raising a perfectly arched eyebrow. "Well you'll love Destin. The team's gone every year since little league. We rent the same two condos every trip."

I flutter my lashes and touch my heart, "Thank you Nicky. You're a god in a- well in god's body." I wink and he chuckles light-heartedly.

"First you woo all the women, now even guys are drooling over you. What's your secret dude?" Brad jokes.

"My little Brad-licious boy, allow me to enlighten you," I jump in, shimmying my shoulders, "Nicky is perfect boyfriend material. He's tall, strong and handsome for sure. But under all those God-like muscles, there is a sweet, sensitive, courteous guy..."

I pause, making eye contact with Ash on my left.

"Not to mention..." I add

"Dat ass!" Ash and I yell in unison.

Nick's face could NOT get any redder. Brad laughs into his hand and Ash and I grin proudly. Even Ollie was giggling.

I turn to glance at Spencer. His jaw is set in a grim line, his eyes narrowed down at his menu. I nudge him gently.

No response.

I nudge him with my arm.

No response.

I try poking him.

No response.

I look forward and sigh. My right foot brushes against his and I instantly prepare to retreat... But before I can, his foot hooks around my ankle, holding me still. I risk a glance in his direction to find his stance very possessive. My jaw drops a little and I blink a few times.

Finally, I relax and smile. He's so cute...

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