Chapter 1

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L: Hello my lovelies. Squeee! I'm really excited for this story! So I need all your support!
Song for this Chapter-- First Day Of My Life by American Authors
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*Lance's POV*

I walk into the cafeteria and meet up with Remi, my bestie. She's got straight blond hair that's always tied back into a ponytail. She acted more guy then girl; I guess that's why we're friends. My second hour was hanging out in the bleachers in the gym today and so was hers so we linked arms and, I shit you not, we skipped all the way to the gym. We laugh as we climb into the bleachers. She grabs Gretchen, one of our other friends, and spots some people sitting at the top. She drags me up there and I drop my bag one step down from the group.

"Spency!" I squeal, sitting down directly in front of him. He kind of scowls at me but doesn't ask me to move. Remi sits to my right and Gretchen on the other side of her. We watch hilarious videos on Gretchen's phone and laugh the entire hour. Once the bell rings for third hour, I buddy up with Spencer. We walk in silence and he makes comments to his other friends that had tagged along. I take my seat behind him and smile as he sinks into the desk in front of me. Why he puts up with me, I may never know.

Mr. Fall explains the assignment for the day. We'll be partnering up to go to the science lab and measure pH. People start mumbling if we can pick our own partners this time, even if we all know it's a long shot. A cough racks my chest and Spencer turns half way around to look at me.

"What?" I ask, a small cough following my cracking voice.

"You scared me." He says, turning back around.

"I scare you?"

He turns his head only to glance down at me and mumbled something like "You worry me.." but I couldn't hear properly. D'Awwwww! Spency is worried about little ole me? That's so cute!

"Aww, I'm fine Spency. I'm just getting over a little cold that's all." I rub his back slowly. He puts his head down on the desk and I withdraw my hand, leaning my face in my hands. He is just too adorable not to like.

Mr. Fall pairs us up and we gather our things, going into the lab. I tried to smile but I hadn't been partnered up with my Spencer... I had been put with Matthew and even though he's smart and I know he'll understand the experiment, he isn't my Spencer..

I didn't have much to worry about though because when I reached our lab table, Spencer and his partner had stationed themselves right in front of us. We'd be sharing the table! My grin from earlier reappeared and I took my place next to my partner. We read over the instructions carefully because neither of us knew what we were doing. Suddenly, Spencer set all of the materials in front of me and stood between Matthew and me. I look up at him and he makes a face at me.

"Are we doing this together?" I ask, pinching his side teasingly.

"Uh, yeah why not- Ow, why'd you pinch me?"

"It was a love pinch." I grin, giggling softly.

He raises an eyebrow, challenging me, and pinches my arm. My wicked grin widens and I poke his hand. I love teasing him, it's just so entertaining.

"Are y'all two dating?" Matthew asks nonchalantly, pouring the first solution into the well.

Spencer doesn't say anything so I speak up, "No, he's just fun to mess with." I flash Spencer a wicked little grin before turning back to the assignment. It was kind of weird that he hadn't completely denied the theory at the first mention of it.

He stayed next to me throughout the hour and when it was just a minute to the bell, I went to stand next to him at the door. He has a sad look in his eyes which were trained at the floor. "Are you okay Spency?"

"I've been better." He shrugs.

"Talk to me, what's wrong?" I place a comforting hand on his fore arm, looking up at him sympathetically.

"Tell me what's wrong with you." He says, looking up to meet my eyes. Damn, how could he tell when I was upset? It's not like I'm an open book or anything.

I meet his gaze longingly. If only he knew... "It's.. it's love life stuff.."

"So's mine. If you tell me yours, I'll tell you mine."

Not today... One day soon, but not today. I shake my head slightly and he shrugs, going off to fourth hour.


The rest of my day was a bust. Nothing interesting ever happens any more. I throw myself onto my bed and sigh dramatically. My cat, Tigger, jumps up beside me and curls up on my pillow. "You pillow hog." I mumble to him, scowling. Spencer is such an idiot sometimes. I swear, it's so obvious that I flirt with him but I never get a response. Not one I can count on anyway. Occasionally he plays along but I don't think he really understands.

Oh well, I guess there's always tomorrow...

L: First chapter finally done! Okay okay, I should be working on my Christmas specials but....this story is just too good. My bff, black jesus, gave me all inspiration for this story. Boyxboy is just too fun.. I love you guys!!

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