Chapter 15

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L: Ugh you guys. I have an idea for the end of this. You're all gunna hate me
:,( So you all better enjoy what you got for now. At least it's finally getting to the good stuff.
Don't forget to check out Ask Lance~ to ask these licklicious boys any questions you want!
Song for this Chapter-- Little Talks by Monsters and Men
Dedicated to azalaya for being my insane in the membrane Ash! Give her a round of applause folks!
Enjoy! Comment! Vote!

*Ash's POV*


Am I the only single pringle on this trip?! Then again... I have this little Brad-licious piece of work right here. Mm mm cut me off a slice of that. That ass! Ohhh!! Haha I crack myself up.

Lancini the gay and his boyfriend, Spency-sucks face a lot convinced Oliver and Nick to swap rooms with them. Now they'll be sleeping in the room next to Brad's and mine while Nick and Oliver share the master bedroom. Have fun with that love birds.

I walk downstairs to stuff my face, per usual, and find the group sitting on the porch, eating breakfast. Oliver perches on Nick's lap and Lance sits beside Spencer, fiddling with his fingers.

Did I mention I hate couples?

....cuz I do.

Lance leans over and plants a sweet kiss on Spencer's cheek, causing a blush to flare up in his cheeks.


I walk into the kitchen and shove an apple into my mouth before trudging outside to where they all were.

"Where's Brad?" Nick asks.

"Sleeping." I answer around the apple as best I can.

"Man, can he sleep through everything?" Spencer comments.

"The world could come crashing down and he would never know!" Lance adds "And I would be stuck on an island full of hot men and they would all fight over me because let's face it, I'm sexy as hell and-"

"Lance!" We all say in unison.

He stops dead in his tracks, closing his mouth with a humph.

Jeez, he could talk the head off of a pineapple. Pineapple. Mmmmmm. Fooood.

"Ash? Did ya hear me?" Lance waves a hand frantically in front of my face.

"Huh?" I ask, confused. Woops. Zoned out again.

"I said, we're all heading down to the beach, are ya comin?" He grins.

"Uh yeah, what about Brad?"

"He'll come down when he wakes up." Nick shrugs and starts heading down to the sand. We all race after him.

Lance makes sure he's the first person to put a foot on the white sand. It wa soft and squeaked under our feet.

"Race ya to the ocean!" Lance yells

Oliver is right behind him, "Last one in has to buy lunch!"

Oh helllll no!

I take off towards the water at top speed.


So I'm buying lunch today.

Anyway, the beach is pretty fun. Oliver and Lance were attacking each other with water guns, much to the enjoyment of Nick and Spencer. They were watching them like lustful Hawks or something. I don't know. I suck at analogies.

We all had a sandcastle building contest. Nick won of course. What isn't he good at?

Around noon, I was cast away to pick up lunch from the nearby burger place. We all ate on the porch and raced back to the beach with our bellies full.

A few hours later, Brad trudges towards us.

"Hey sleeping beauty. Finally up?" Nick asks, cradling a sleepy Oliver in his lap. Brad's eyes go wide and his jaw drops.

"Dude. Duuuude. You're gay?!"

"Ahem!" Lance calls, waving cutely to Brad before kissing Spencer's cheek.

"Is everyone around here datinggg?!" Brad starts.

"You're tellin me sweet cheeks." I jump in, shaking my head.

"Ew couples." He grumbles.

I think I'm in love...

L: There ya go Ash, just for you. Ya know I love ya girl! Even though you won't let me flirt with you! Kisses!

Ash: What the hell are you doing?

L: Talking to my Ash...

Ash: Scuse me. No.

L: Whyyyyyy..... Meanie

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