Chapter 2

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L: Well...this chapter is a bit weird for me to write. Real world consequences and all.. I hope you guys like it.
Song for this Chapter-- Fall For You by Secondhand Serenade
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*Lance POV*

I skip into third hour the next day, sticking my tongue out at Spencer when I make it into the room before him. We get herded into the lab and again, he takes his place beside me.

"It's the last we really have to do science?" he asks, putting his head down. I set my pencil down and paw at him.

"I guess not but we probably should." I shrug. He reaches over, lifting his head to look up at me as he paws me back. We start on the project, taking the extra second to swat and poke at each other. I pull out a notebook, talking to myself about a new story I was writing. I flip open to an empty page to graph our data and clamp a hand over my mouth.

"Keep your dirty mouth shut Lance.." I say to myself. I'd almost spilled the beans.. That was close.

"What?" Spencer says, raising an eyebrow at me.

I shake my head, "Not telling." I pout.

"C'mon. Tell me." He nudges me.

A blush rises in my cheeks and I smile nervously. "I-I... I l-like you." a say in a whisper. He raises an eyebrow curiously.

"Say again?"

"I... I really like you Spency.." the blush reddens and I look away.

He falls silent and when the bell rings I practically run out into the hall. I can't believe I actually said it...

L: sorry it's short! 0/////0

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