Chapter 11

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L: Woop Woop! My dear lovelies now is the moment- *cough cough* one of many *cough cough*- you've all been waiting for!
Song for this Chapter-- Alejandro by Lady Gaga (I just scared my driver by being silent for the entire ride and suddenly screaming out the chorus to this song and flailing in the backseat XD)
Enjoy! Comment! Vote!

*Lance's POV*

Ollie and I politely kick Nick out of the kitchen after we see the oddities he pulls out for dinner. I love you Nicky, but you can't cook.

With our bellies stuffed (of an amazing meal made by yours truly), we lounge around in the living room, silence ringing in my ears.

"Let's play a game." Oliver suggests, brightening up significantly.

"Ahem." Ash gestures pointedly, "Scuse you. Yass."

"Alright. What should we play?" Nick asks, leaning forward on his knees.

We agreed on Truth or Dare and sat around in a circle out on the porch. Oliver and Ash were giggling and whispering to themselves which, to be honest, kind of scared me. Nick and Brad sat silently and Spencer slowly sank down beside me.

"How do we decide who goes first?" Brad asks.

Oliver and Ash snap their attention forward, sly grind on their faces. Oh god... A knot forms in the pit of my stomach. It's just a game Lance... Just a silly game.

As much as I want to believe that, something just didn't seem right.

"Starting with Nicky." Ash suggests, her grin somehow become more devil-like.

Nick shrugs, "Okay, that seems cool. Um hmm, Alright Lance." He rubs his hands together and smiles. "Truth or Dare?"

"Dare." I say boldly, my worries melting away as we get into the game. Man, the things people will do on a dare. We somehow got Brad down to his boxers, Nick with a face covered in sharpie, Oliver hanging upside down with a shrimp in his mouth, and now it was....

Ash's turn..

Their fiendish grins reappear and my stomach churns once again.

"Spencer!" He calls out, pointing directly at him. My mind relaxes. Thank god, it wasn't me-

"We dare you to kiss Lance!" Ash and Oliver say in unison.

My mind reels.
Did he just say- nah.
But did he?
K-K-kiss me?!

I can't turn my head to see Spencer's reaction. I'm frozen. I can assure you, his face must've been as red as mine.

"Woah, isn't that a bit far you g-"

Ash and Oliver shush Nick and start bouncing in their spots, even with Oliver upside down.

Someone taps me on the shoulder and I flinch. When I turn, Spencer is looking down at the floor, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. I think I hear him whisper, "Do I have to?" But no one else seems to hear him.

"Do it!" Ash yells, flailing.

Spencer jumps at her words and glances up to meet my gaze for a fraction of a second. He takes a deep breath and looks up at me, pleading with his eyes.

I gulp, not knowing what to do. Sure, I've kissed plenty of guys. I KNOW how to please my man. B-but... This was Spencer.. A straight guy that I've been in love with for as long as I could remember who I'd never have any real chance with...

He cautiously scoots closer until he's sitting cross-legged in front of me. He glances at Ash and Oliver who start flailing at him to do it already.

He looks back at me, pointedly not meeting my eyes and looking more behind my shoulder then at me, and shakily cups my cheek with his palm. I resist the urge to nuzzle into his hand and sit stalk still instead.

He leans closer after a moment, his nose brushing mine. I flinch slightly, my heart racing with anticipation.

Jerkily, shakily his lips get closer to mine. I suck in a breath. This is it. He's going to kiss me!

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