Chapter 14

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L: OMG 2k!!! AHHHH!!! You guys are the best! I love you all! Just for this, I'm gunna do something awesomeidas. I'm gunna open an Ask Lance! It'll be posted promptly after this chapter!! I love you guys so so much!!
xXWarning BoyxBoyXx
Song for this Chapter-- Dirty Mind by 3Oh!3
Enjoy! Comment! Vote!

*Lance POV*

I can't believe this is happening! Spencer. Kissing me. Ah! My happy meter is off the charts!

He lowers himself to his elbows to be closer to me and kisses me again. I tug on his bottom lip with my teeth and he groans softly. Such a delicious little sound! I tug at it again for safe measure.

"Mmm.. Lance." His voice was deep and raspy. I shiver at the sound of it and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him down to flick my tongue against the tip of his nose. "Lance." He says again, more seriously. I pull back to look up into his eyes, now clouded over with lust. Oh well don't mind if I do. I waggle my eyebrows and nip at his nose playfully.

"Lance." He growls.

"Shh. Let Lance play." I flip us so I'm straddling his waist. I could get use to this. I plant kisses down his neck and nip at his collar bone. I feel his hands grip my waist and I grin wildly. Gettin handsy now are we? Hehe. My breath catches when he starts to grind my hips against his; the flattering bulge in his pants grinding against my own. I groan, burying my face in his neck.

He just feels so...good. Amazingly good.

I've had to suppress my feelings for Spencer for so long now... Feeling him grind our hips together for that closeness that we desperately urge for and hearing his sounds of pleasure and need beneath me as I circle my tongue over his warm neck.. Its the most perfect feeling.

I yelp when he suddenly sits up beneath me. When he lays back down, my hands land on his warm, bare chest. I run my hands slowly down his chest, loving the feeling of skin to skin contact. But it isn't enough. I need more. I need to satisfy this...this need to be close to him.

I sit up and look down at him. His eyes darken with lust as they meet mine. I start to yank my shirt over my head but stop halfway when a large crash breaks the silence in the house. I pull my shirt back down and hear Spencer snarl beneath me.

Oh boy. Why does this always happen to me?!


*Ash's POV*

"I told you guys this would be fun." I whisper, cackling. Nick, Oliver and I (Brad was sound asleep) were peeping through a crack in the open door, watching Lance and Spencer make out. Hehehe. I'm evil.

Nick loomed over me, grinning to himself. Just a moment ago I had walked in on him and Oliver kissing sweetly in the master bedroom and offered for them to see something funny. They came along happily and are just as entertained as I am.

Oliver perched under me, blushing red but grinning just as wide as the rest of us.

Spencer takes his shirt off and we all try to muffle our giggles with our hands. Then came Lance and like magnets, we all lean forward to get a better look.

Just our luck....we all fall through the door and crash onto the floor next to their bed.

I look up to find Spencer glaring at us, his face as red as a fire truck, and Lance was gaping down at us, his jaw dropped.

"H-hi," I wiggle my fingers at him in a wave and smile nervously.

L: How did ya'll like it? My manager, Black Jesus if you'll recall, helped me out a lot cuz I got stuck :D so I owe her a big thanks. So thanks dear! My little lovelies, you should go follow my manager! Her name is CupsOf7up and she is the best manager ever! But she's mine! No stealing!

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