Chapter 13

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L: So, I'm glad to know you all like it so far and once my loyal little readers trickle back in, they'll be extremely approving I hope!
Song for this Chapter-- Heels Over Head by Boys Like Girls (cough cough not Lance)
Enjoy! Comment! Vote!

*Lance's POV*

"Definitively not nothing..." Spencer whispers, his forehead leaning gently against mine. My eyes flutter closed and my breaths come out shaky and shallow. He did it. He kissed me. And wow... It was amazing.

"WOOOOOO!!!" Ash whoops from somewhere behind us, ruining the moment. Oliver kind of squeals and Nick and Brad stare in utter awe.

I open my eyes to see Spencer's eyes boring into mine. I almost flinch...before I realize he wasn't glaring at me. He was looking at me in a new way. One I'd never seen.

The whooping and squealing fades to a full chuckling and Spencer whirls around, now glaring at them. I tug at his sleeve and he glances back over at me, his expression softened. His cheeks were red but for once, he didn't seem determined to cover it up. It made me smile.

"Well. That happened." Nick says after a moment.

"Mhm." Brad concurs.

"Bravo!" Oliver claps and Ash spoon joins him (pun intended XD).

Spencer's eyes are trained on me. I still can't quite understand that look in his eyes..

A yawn escapes my lips and again the cheers die down. Nick checks his phone and he too yawns.

"Yeah it's -yawnnnn- it's late already."

"So how are we-?"

"DIBS ON BRAD!" Ash calls, linking his arm through that of the confused Brad. They walk upstairs- more like Ash drags him upstairs- and the door to the second smaller room shuts. Oliver holds out his arm for me and I link mine through his, throwing one last longing look over my shoulder at Spencer as we make our way upstairs.

"Guess that leaves you n me with with master bedroom, huh?" Nick chuckles nervously. Oliver pushes me into our room and practically slams the door behind us in excitement. He sits me on my bed and jumps onto his.

"How was it? Was it everything you always dreamed of?" He bounces excitedly.

I smile, "It was...perfect." I say, falling back on my bed with a sigh. He grins and turns out the lights. I pull the blankets up to my chin, grinning like I've won the lottery.

*Spencer's POV*

I sit up and scoot to the far side of the bed, as far from Nick as possible. This is the one room with a queen bed instead of two singles. I'd been in between sleep most of the night, my mind swimming with thoughts of him.

Eventually I swing my legs to the ground and tip toe out into the hall, meeting Oliver halfway. He grins and waves before tip toeing into the room I had just left where Nick was dead asleep. I slip into the room he shared with Lance and shut the door with a soft click.

I find Lance sound asleep, a sweet smile on his face. I sit beside him on the bed carefully and lean down to plant a kiss on his forehead.

His eyes flutter open and widen with shock, "Wh-what are you doing here Spency?!" He whisper yells at me, "If Oliver wakes up-"

"Oliver," I say in a quiet voice, "Is off cuddling with Nick." I jab a thumb in the direction of my room. Something seems to click in his mind and he smacks his forehead. I don't bother asking.

"S-so you came to see me?" He's still whispering and he pulls the blankets up past his nose.

I nod slowly, "Couldn't sleep.." I mumble, rubbing the back of my neck. Why had I come in here? What was I hoping for?

Lance lowers the blankets once more and gapes at me, "What?"

"Oh nothing."

"No, tell me."

"Hm nope." He grins, enjoying our usual banter.

"C'mon. Tell meee."

He sits up straight and leans forward so that our faces are nearly inches apart.

"You kissed me tonight." He says boldly.

"That I did." I purse my lips.

"Did you...enjoy it?" He inquires, narrowing his eyes skeptically.

I open my mouth to answer but his eyes go wide again and he flops back on his bed, concealing his face with the comforter.

"NononononoforgetIasked." He says in a blur.

I roll my eyes and cup the back of his neck, yanking him up to press my lips against his. He goes stiff (his body you perverts!) for a moment before relaxing into me.

He leans forward cautiously, placing his hands on my knees. I pull him closer, deepening the kiss. He sighs against my lips, scooting closer to where he's almost on my lap. For some reason the idea excites me and I clumsily fumble to pull him onto my lap.

He chuckles at my desperate whimpers and settles himself on my lap comfortably. I huff in frustration, glowering at him. It's not my fault I don't have any experience with this! I haven't even kissed a girl before let alone a guy! Especially one like Lance..

He grins and nuzzles his head into my neck, "You've made me so happy, ya know." He kisses under my chin and a blush climbs into my cheeks.

I don't know what to say so I wrap my arms around his waist and bring him further into my lap. He sucks in a sharp breath and I groan, knowing he'd felt it.

"Spencer are you-?"

I cut him off with another kiss, holding it long enough to make him forget his words.

Not a chance of that.

"Spency," he says teasingly as I fight for breath. "Someone's excited." He winks and I groan again, leaning my forehead against his in frustration.

"Shut up," I growl.

This only entertains him further. He wiggles on my lap, causing my breath to catch.

My eyes narrow and I scowl, "You asked for it."

In one move I knock him backwards and pin his arms down on the bed beside him. Shit. What now?

"Shoot." I say quietly to myself.

His giggles only increase and I look around frantically. What the hell do I do now?

My worries are quieted when he takes my face in his hands and pulls me down to kiss him slowly. I let him, lowering to my elbows to be closer to him. His lips were so soft and feminine, it was easy to claim them with my own. He snakes his arms around my neck, pulling me closer.

L: I can't decide how to end this scene: sweet cuddles or full blown make out. What do you guys think? Please comment or if ya know me, tell me in person ;)

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