Chapter 16: Closure

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L: Hey you guys. Changing this up a bit. Don't hate me, I know I'm confusing you guys a lot. This is still the end... But let's try for a little less depressing, shall we?
Song for this Chapter-- Oh it is Love by HelloGoodbye
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*Lance's POV*

I sneak out of the condo late that night and walk dreamily to the water's edge.

Can I do this?

I... I don't think I can. I'm too nervous.

Spencer is upstairs, sleeping in my bed. Our bed now I guess. Wow... He actually likes me. But... Can I do this to him? Make him something he so openly denies? Make him like me for my own selfish needs?

I shouldn't have just sneaked down like that.. I should've told him where I was going. He might be worrying... I don't wanna scare him.

Maybe I'll just head back up and-


Strong arms wrap around my waist from behind. It's Spencer. I breathe a sigh of relief.

"You scared me dumby." I say, relaxing again his chest. He felt so warm and natural.

"What are you doing down here alone?" His voice is dark and hostile.

Oh no.. What did I do?

My breath catches and I freeze. Please don't be mad please don't be mad please don't be mad.

He sighs and I feel his nose nuzzling into my neck, "I was scared... I thought you were running away from me."

He I had no idea.

"Spencer I-"

He interrupts me, spinning me around to face him. He holds me out at arms length, his eyes cast down to the floor.


He cuts me off once again, pressing his lips to mine desperately. Another wow.

I kiss him back and he draws me close.

I revel in his scent..the feel of his body against mine..the way he kisses me.'s all so perfect.

"Lance?" He says after a moment, his voice raspy.

"Hm?" I mumble from against his chest.

"Lance." He whispers.

"Spencer." I whisper back.

"I love you."

Wh-what?! WHAT?! Did he just say he loves me?! Do my ears deceive me?!


I can't speak. Oh me oh my. He loves me!

"Lance?" His voice grows more urgent.

"Lance?! Did you hear me?!" He shakes my shoulders, "I love you!"

Huh? Oh..oh!

"I love you too." I say back instantly, baffled.

He kisses me again.

"I love you." He says again.

"I love you."


"Hm?" I say dreamily.

"I'm in love with you."

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