Chapter 10

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L: Bear with me for like two more chapters and it will get back to the good stuff. I just need a little stuffing before it gets really good *waggles eyebrows* I promise
Song for this Chapter-- Lovesick by Nevershoutnever
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*Lance POV*

Spencer and I sit next to each other on one of the two small couches in the condo. We had arrived a few minutes ago and the others were bustling around, preparing the go to the supermarket down the road.

"Are you sure you try don't wanna come?" Nick asks.

"Yeah, I'll be alright. Someone has to hold down the fort." I grin brightly.

"And someone has to hold HIM down." Spencer jabs a thumb in my direction.

"Heyyyyyy." I pout, crossing my arms.

"Alright," Nick chuckles, "We'll be back in a few." The bolt clicks behind him after he leaves.

I pull a book into my lap and glance down at the page I had left off on. It was so nice of Nicky to stop at a bookstore on the way here. I, personally, think he did it for Oliver since he loves to read.

"What is that even about?" Spencer asks from my right.

"Um well.. It's about a girl who's cursed. Her grandmother had kept the curse at bay for so long but she was killed and because of this girl, they were cursed again." I say, not looking up.

"What kind of curse?"

"That she would be torn between the boy she fell in love with as a kid and the monster that made her love him. I she chooses wrong then she, too, will become a monster."

In fact it was quite good. I haven't been able to put it down...**

"Hey..." He says after a moment, "Are you mad at me?"

"Hmm?" I shake my head and crinkle my nose, "No, why would I be mad at you?"

"You're mad at me."

I tilt my head up to look at him and roll my eyes, "I'm fine Spency, I'm not mad at you. I'm... Trying to be normal."

"You're being abnormal for you."

"I just- I'm not gunna bug you today." I half smile and look down at my book once more, hardly seeing the words at all.

"I don't mind." He says.

Red slowly rises into my cheeks, "Obviously you do.. It's fine, don't worry about it."

Silence for a few precious moments.

"Your ears are weird." He mumbles shyly.

I instinctively reach up and brush my hair over my ears, "I know.." I groan quietly. I sink down a bit in my seat as warmth rises into my face.

"Oh.. Sorry don't be mad at me." He says almost immediately.

"I'm not mad."

"It was a joke." He sounds genuinely apologetic.

"I don't take jokes very well." I've read over the same passage four times now.

"You should... "

"Well, I don't. You... You confuse me... When I bug you, it annoys you but, when I back off, you freak out." My face is burning red now.

"I don't know... I just.. I'm confusing."

"Yes. Yes you are."

He reaches out and swats at my hair to move it away from my ear.

If my face could get any warmer, it'd be on fire. I finally sit up straight and turn to look at him. He sticks his tongue out at me and I do the same to him.

Finally I notice that it's not only my face that was extremely red. Spencer was blushing up to the tips of his ears.

Then it finally occurs to me... I was alone... In a beach house... With Spencer.

Suddenly my mind is swimming.

~ "Try to hold his hand
Lean on him
Link arms
Kiss him on the cheek
Kiss him
Kiss him
Kiss him"~

My mouth is dry, my hands are trembling... I can't take my eyes off of him.

I must look like a freak..."~

I almost lean forward. I almost think I'm actually gunna do it.

Spencer stands up. My chance is gone.

"We should probably go help them." He says.

Huh? Are they back already? My heart sinks as I stand to follow him outside and down the steep steps to the car. Two cars sat parked in front of the condos and the team was already unloading groceries.

I grab as many bags as I can carry and follow Spencer back up, my eyes cast at the floor.

"I'm an idiot..." I say quietly as I pass him.

"Hm? Why?" Spencer asks as he reaches the door.

I shake my head, "I'm just an idiot..."

"What's wrong?" He sets down his bags and starts back outside as the others come in with arms full of groceries.

"I just didn't wanna come out here.."

"Why not?"

"Because..." I stare at my feet, whimpering like a lost puppy.

"Because whyyy? Tell me." He nudges me in his way of being worried.

"Because.. Because I'd rather spend time with you.."

He mumbles something along the lines of "Now I'm blushing.." Although whether he was speaking to me or himself, I may never know. He walks away, rubbing his cheeks and I sort of smile to myself.

** So that was one description of a novel of mine. What did ya think?

L: so I'm sorry this was wayyyy over due and I wrote this chapter a long time ago but had never posted it. So here it is!

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