Chapter 5

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L: Ello Ello loves! This chapter may be a bit boring because lately I haven't had the inspiration. I don't know what to do to fill in the blanks. Hmmm anyway, I do hope it's at least somewhat enjoyable. Sorry again for the blandness :/
Song for this Chapter-- Trouble by NeverShoutNever (cuz it's my favorite song and it sort of fits with this Chapter)
--pic is of Lance--
Enjoy! Comment! Vote!

*Lance POV*

After the movie ends, Jess isn't feeling well and decides to head home and Ash says something about plotting Spencer's demise and slips out. That leaves me with Jaclynn and Spence. Great. We walk around, window shopping for another hour or so. Eventually we settle back at our table in the middle of the food court.

Jaclynn hits my arm spastically a few times and nods towards the other end of the food court. Nick Moore, the school's star baseball player, and the rest of the team are standing on the other side of the food court, laughing and bumping shoulders.

"Mm. He is just delicious." Jaclynn fans herself.

"If only he were up to bat for me." I add, pouting and watching him. He looks over his shoulder and flashes us a smile. "Oh be still my heart." I say, fluttering my eyelashes.

"Mine just melted." Jaclynn adds, dreamily resting her chin on her fist.

"Shhhh. He's coming over here." I say, fixing my hair as he approaches us.

"You must be Lance. I've heard a lot about you." He says, smiling that heart-stopping smile again.

"Little ole me?" I bat my eyelashes innocently.

"Uh yeah. Do you know Oliver Winson?"

Oliver Winson? The geeky kid in my English class? Well we aren't best friends but we've talked. Wait how does someone as sexy as Nick know him?

"He um, he mentioned you making a ridiculous grand entrance on the first day. Climbing in through the window?" Nick continues, rubbing the back of his head nervously.

I smile smugly, "That's me darling!" I say proudly, throwing my arms in the air.

He chuckles and pulls a seat up across from me and next to Jaclynn, "The reason I ask is, some buddies of mine are hosting a week long retreat to Destin next week. Kind of an escape from the cold to come. I uh.. I don't want Oliver to end up alone. It's really just gunna be me and some baseball friends and their girlfriends plus Oliver. It'd mean a lot to me if you came and kept him company. You can bring some friends too if you want." He smiles, resting his elbows on the table.

Am I hearing correctly? Did Nick Moore just invite me to go to Florida? With him and hunky baseball players? Sign me up!

"Yes please!" I say, all too excitedly.

"Thanks L. We leave early Sunday morning. Here," he takes a napkin off the table and a pen out of his pocket and scribbles his number down, "Call me when you're ready and we'll swing by to get you and your friends at your place that morning. Sound okay?" He hands me his number. I nod excitedly and he smiles before waving and catching up with his friends whom were already across the mall.

"Catch me Jacky, I think I might feint!" I say dramatically.

Spencer "tsks" and I turn to him, raising an eyebrow, "What, are you jealous Spency?" I ask, crossing my arms stubbornly.

"What?! No! Don't be dense." He scoffs, turning away from me. But not quick enough for me not to see the red blush steaming across his cheeks and nose. Even the tips of his ears were red. Awwww how cute.

"It's okay if you're jealous you know." I place a hand on his arm and Jaclynn giggles.

"I'm. Not. Jealous." He repeats.

I recross my arms and humph, "Well fine, be like that if you want. I was going to ask you to come!" I flip my hair eccentrically and look away stubbornly. Spencer groans and turns to me. I just turn further away from him.

"I'm sorry." He says, poking my arm.

Sorry? For not being jealous? Hm. I sigh and shake my head, turning back to him.

"Fine. I guess I forgive you. You can come." I grin and poke his nose before standing to leave.

Outside I groan as I realize I ran here. No car... It was only about a half mile away but stillllll.... I groan again and walk slowly through the parking lot.

Before I can even squeak, I'm grabbed and pulled in between two cars. I'm hoisted up into the passenger seat and buckled in. I blink a few times as the door closes and Spencer climbs into the drivers seat.

"Huh?" I'm confused.

"I'm driving you home." He mumbles, starting the engine. I look around and realize I'm in his little red pickup truck. I blink a few more times and look over to him.

"What?" He asks, "Why are you looking at me like that?" He backs out and heads for my house.

"No reason." I get comfortable an smile, leaning my head against the cool window. Such a sweet kid. Really he is.

When he stops in front of my house, I hesitate. He raises an eyebrow at me curiously. I open my mouth then shut it again, shaking my head, "Thanks Spency." I say, jumping out of the small truck and racing up to my door. My cat, Tigger, meets me at the door and I let him in before I shut the door behind me and sink down against it, grinning like an idiot.

"What's wrong with you, imbecile?" Miley asks on her way out of the kitchen, a doughnut hanging out of her mouth and a game controller in her hand.

"Oh dear sweet-"

"Yeah I'm out." She says, pounding up the stairs and into her room.

"I'm in love." I finish, leaning my head back softly as I smile.

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