Chapter 6

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L: Ta Da! Chapter 6! Thanks to Spennnnncy, my stump is no longer stumped! Yahahoo! Hehe and the picture was all his idea. You're so lucky I love you.
Song for this Chapter-- Contagious by Avril Lavigne
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*Spencer's POV*

I sit in my truck in front of my house for twenty minutes after dropping Lance off, my forehead resting against the steering wheel. My head aches and my heart was pounding. What the hell is wrong with me? First I'm staring Lance down, then I'm playing footsie with him in the theatre? Have I lost my mind? I'm straight. I have a girlfriend. I. Am. A. Guy. And so is he.

"Uggghh." I pick up my head and bang it back down on the steering wheel, blaring the horn for a full minute before finally sitting up and slipping out of my car.

I unlock the from door to a plethora of voices in harmony.

"La première nuit on s'emboîte et puis transpirant on se décolle
Dos à dos comme une longue caresse qui lentement se dérobe
Le millième nous suffoque, besoin d'air et besoin d'espace
Nos pieds persistent puisqu'ils se touchent puis l'on s'évite puisqu'on se lace." (French artist: Kyo. Song: L'équilibre.)

Not this again. This French guy an his two daughters have been staying in my house for two weeks now. They're always singing and speaking quickly in French. I can't understand a single word of it. They don't pay any attention to me as I slip past them to the stairs.

Up in my room, I fall onto my stomach on the bed and groan as I go over the day's events in my head. Going to the mall with Jess. Running into Lance. Ash threatening me with a spoon. Playing footsie with Lance. Racing after him into the parking lot. Driving him home.

My heart flutters at the thought of him. Why does he make me feel this way? Why does he make my heart skip and my stomach have butterflies?

I groan again, burrowing my head under my pillows. The French singing quiets for a moment and then there's a knock on my door. One of the girls comes in, and in very accented English, tells me Jess has just called. I ask for the phone but she tells me that Jess is not speaking with me. What? What did I do?

I dismiss her and hit my head back on my pillows. My mind wanders back to him.... Am I falling for him?


L: poor Spennnnnncy.. Awe my poor baby.

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