Ash's Story

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L: So it was requested by my favorite little lovely to do a little backstory on Ashy! The pic is of him, duh!
Enjoy! Comment! Vote!

*Ash's POV*

It's half-way through my fourth grade year. My lifelong crush, Sarah Vanders has finally acknowledged my existence. After hours of sputtering and clumsiness, she agrees to go to the dance with me. It's a small dance- for fourth and fifth graders only- before we head off to middle school.

And the hottest girl in fourth grade is going to be my date.

I boast cockily to my closest most gossipy friends, hoping the story will spread. The next few days are pure bliss. I started walking Sarah to class and spending most of recess at her side. She was fantastic! Absolutely perfect!

One day, we'll grow up and get married and adopt five kids... But she'll stay home with them while off being the world's best space fire-fighter and we'll live happily ever after and-


I look across the lunch room, my eyes landing on Spencer as he walks, arm in arm, with none other than Sarah Vanders.

I snatch the plastic spoon out of my cold soup, spilling it everywhere, and march enraged towards them.

"Hey! Bub!" I puff out my chest, my face red with rage, "Dats ma girl!" I hold the spoon out, pressing it into his chest. He was a good foot and a half taller than me, always had been...(L: and always will be hehe)

"I was just-"

"Woah woah woah, wise guy, no excuses!" I get up on a chair then on my tippy toes to be eye level with him. I raise the spoon to his neck.

"But I-"

"Hey! What did I just say?" I make a face at him an jab at his neck. He takes a step backwards and snatches the spoon from my hand, snapping it in half easily. I look around frantically for something to-

Ah ha!

I grab a straw from some bystander's milk carton and lunge at Spencer, stabbing him in the throat. He turns his head and the straw jabs into the left side of his neck.

I laugh evilly and take a step back to admire my work. Sarah drops to her knees to cradle Spencer's head and calls for a nurse before shooting me a menacing glare.

You've just made your worst enemy Spencer.

From then on I only dated men so that Spencer could never steal them again. And I vowed to always carry a REAL spoon.

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