Chapter 4

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L: Sooooo my HTML code didn't work..:/ but oh well. Spencer is proud of me! That's all that counts! Heheh so here's Chapter 4 mwahaha
Song for this Chapter--Hot by Avril Lavigne (explains how Lance feels around Spence mwahaha)
--pic is of Spencer--
Enjoy! Comment! Vote!

*Lance POV*

"Lance!" The voice calls. Oh no no no no. It's too late to pretend we haven't heard her... Jaclynn grabs my arm and pulls me over. I keep my eyes trained at the ground and stand a little behind Jaclynn.

"Lance. Hello?" Jess waves a hand in my face. I glance up and my eyes immediately flicker to Jess's left. His eyes bore into mine, tearing holes into my skin. I hide my face behind Jaclynn as a red hue climbs my cheeks. Why did he have to be here? With her? Mehhhhhh.....


I'm suddenly tackled to the ground from behind. I land on my stomach with an oof. My arm is twisted behind me and Ash, my best gay friend, laughs maniacally from his place sitting on my back.

"You won't get away from me this time!" He laughs again and people start to stare and walk in large circles around us. Jaclynn giggles off to the side next to Jess and Spencer. As if Ash could read my mind, he glances up and meets eyes with Spencer. The weight is off of my back in an instant an when I glance up, Ash is pointing a plastic spoon at Spencer's throat.

Oh good grief. These two are like cats and dogs. But Spencer is the really cute kind with the big round eyes and-

Shut up Lance! Stop being such a slut!

I mentally slap myself and stand up shakily. Jaclynn is still laughing her little head off at Ash's shenanigans and Jess is standing timidly behind her. Spencer's eyes go wide with fear for a moment then cut a glare in my direction. I cringe and shrink back into myself. Why did he have to look at me like that?

Ash presses the spoon to his neck, eager to get his attention. Spencer's eyes stay locked on mine. Intimidating but.... It was kinda sexy in a way. Okay I gotta stop thinking like that. Spencer has a GIRLfriend. As in not me or even my gender. I sigh and my gaze drops to the floor. Jaclynn glances between us a few times and waves her hand eagerly as if she's in class.

"I know! Let's all go see a movie! I mean, we've all run into to each other so why not? We're all friends here right?" She suggests. I perk my head up very very slightly. Good. I'll sit away from Spencer and when he and Jess get all cuddly I'll see he isn't for me. Yeah! Good plan, Lance! (*was really Jaclynn's plan*)

"I'm not! He's my arch nemesis!" Ash yells, gesturing with the spoon again. I straighten up and strut over, patting Ash on the head like he's a little girl.

"You can sit by me silly." I say happily.

Ash glares at me, "No." He says bluntly.

I throw my hands up innocently and take a step back. Jaclynn laughs and leads the way to the theatre. I offer to pay for the popcorn and once we are satisfied with our snacks, we get settled in our seats. I sit to the left of Jaclynn and Ash sits on the row below us. I kick my shoes off as the lights dim and whisper with Jaclynn. She'd chosen a horror movie that was really not that scary. My baby brother could watch it and laugh for goodness sake! I glance to my left and nearly gasp.

My whole plan was to get away from Spencer! Why'd he have to sit right next to me?! I groan and sink low in my seat. Maybe he didn't mean to. Maybe he hasn't noticed me.

Not a chance. I steal another glance to my left and Spencer was grinning slyly back at me. I gulp and try to focus on the movie.

After a minute, something brushes against my foot. I shiver and shove at it gently. It brushes back against my foot. I nudge it over. It nudges back. The hell?!

I take a moment to slip my gaze down to see Spencer's foot nudging mine. My eyes raise back to the screen as a red blush settles in my cheeks. He's playing footsie with me?!

Well two can play at this game, mister. I brush my foot over his and let my eyes slide to the left, keeping my head forward. Spencer's face was red and flustered and he hid a smile behind his hand. I nearly giggle and Jaclynn turns to give me an odd look. I wave her off dismissively and go back to nudging Spencer with my toes. I have to suppress a giggle and try to focus on the screen.

Out of nowhere, Ash screams-very fake sounding I might add- and spastically throws her bucket of popcorn back. Magically, the popcorn only hits Spencer. He inhales sharply with surprise and glares annoyingly down to Ash. He grind and waves before turning back around. I chuckle softly, trying to stay quiet and Jaclynn, too, was trying not to laugh.

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