Chapter 3

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<b> L: I'm back my little lovelies. You see, because of <i>somebody</i> I have been majorly distracted and got writers block on this particular story. I'm back now, thank you very much! I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! ;)
--Pic is of Lance--
Song for this Chapter-- Seasons Of Love from Rent
Enjoy! Comment! Vote! </b>

*Lance POV*

Thank goodness the next day was Christmas break! I don't think I could've stood to see Spencer after yesterday's confession! I lay in my bed most of Saturday, my face as red as strawberries.. Every time I thought it was safe to get up, his face crept back into my mind. What am I supposed to do? What if he doesn't like me? What if he hates me now? Ahh!

I burrow my face under my pillow and scream. My door flies open and my younger sister storms in and snatches the pillow off of my head.

"Will you shut up?! You've been groaning and crying all day." She says, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Oh Miley! It's horrible! Just plain atrocious!" I sit up and grab her arm dramatically.

"Let. Go." She yanks at her arm but I cling to her as if for dear life.

"My dear young sister! If only you understood the pain of love!"

"What are you talking about you psycho?!" She rips her arm free and steps a far from me as possible. "Just shut up okay!" She leaves and slams my door.

I think about going back to my wallowing but my stomach grumbles. I sneak downstairs and ninja my way into the kitchen, whispering the pink panther tune. I open the fridge silently and look around before snatching a candy bar off the shelf. I turn to slip out of the kitchen and run straight into my dad.

"Hey daddy!" I say in my most sing song voice.

He raises an eyebrow and takes the candy bar out of my hand. "You're gunna get fat. Go run or something."

"But daddyyyyy.., if I don't eat now I might perish!" I throw an arm over my fore head.

"Then go out with some friends. You aren't eating anymore of my food. I've had to go grocery shopping three times just this week!" He says, sticking his tongue out at me.

I pout and stomp out of the room like a little kid. I grab the house phone off the living room side table and dial the familiar number.

She picks up on the third ring. "What do you want Lance-a-lot?"

"Oh Jaclynn, my dear sweet girl, I have been denied proper nourishment and need justification!"

She sighs on the other end, "Meet me at the mall food court in twenty minutes."

I squeal and run upstairs to shower and change. I throw on a pair of black skinny jeans and a tight black top and practically sprint out the door. The middle of town was only a few minutes from my house so I ran the entire way. And not because my dad told me to run!

I make it to the mall five minutes early and find a nice table in the very middle of the food court.

Jaclynn joins me and we buy a few cartons of Chinese to take back to our table. I grab her arm more half way there, "M-maybe we should go sit somewhere else."

"What's wrong with you? We have a perfect table."

"No that one is hideous lets go-"

"Lance!" A familiar voice calls.

Oh no...


<b> L: stay tuned for the next chapter!!</b>

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