Chapter 7

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L: Mwahaha I hope all of you are prepared!
Song for this Chapter-- Some Beach by Blake Shelton (just cuz of the beach)
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*Lance's POV*

I'm up bright and early Sunday morning. My bags are packed and waiting by the door. I shower and towel dry my hair, letting it curl, and throw on a blue trimmed black shirt with sleeves that went down to my elbows. I pull on my black skinny jeans and converse and tip toe down the stairs as not to wake anyone up.

Downstairs I locate my vibrating phone and glance at the caller ID. With a gasp I answer, "Nicky!"

"Yeah, hey Lance. We're on our way. Be ready." He says briefly, yawning. I assure him I am ready and he hangs up.

Ten minutes later a car pulls up and honks outside of my house. I grab my suitcase and run outside, grinning and waving to Nick whom was standing behind the car. He pops up the trunk and takes my bag for me.

"Aw Nicky, you're so sweet." I say a bit flirtatiously. What can I say, I'm a natural flirt. Nick grins and pats my head.

"Most of the team is taking a different car with all of the chairs, the tent, radio and beach supplies."

"So who's all riding in this car with us?" I ask as he shuts the trunk.

"Brad is driving, I'm riding up front and Oliver is in the back. There's an extra set of seats in the back for your friends and two seats by Ollie." He flushes as he says the nickname and I raise an eyebrow at him, growing a bit suspicious of little Nicky.

Nick takes his place in the front passenger seat and I climb in next to Oliver.

"H-hey Lance." He says sheepishly. Odd. Oliver may be a smart, geeky kid but I know for sure he's a smart ass. So why be so quiet?

"Hello Ollie Ollie oxen free." I send a wink in his direction and give directions to Spencer's house. We stop and honk in front of his house and he sluggishly slips into the car beside me.

Out of nowhere, Ash jumps up behind us and holds a spoon across Spencer's throat.

"Whaaaaaaa?" I stare up at him and glance behind us. Nick was right, there was a second set of seats behind ours. Ash must have been sleeping back there.

"Where do you keep getting these spoons?!" Spencer exclaims, suddenly awake.

Oliver chuckles and I quickly introduce him to Ash and Spencer. After a bit of struggle, we got Ash to sit back and go back to sleep. Spencer rubs his throat and shakes his head.

"What is wrong with that dude?" He asks, glancing at me. My cheeks were already blaring from remembering last Saturday's incident. He seems to remember too because after only a moment, a red fire rushes into his face.


After about half an hour of driving in silence, Brad speaks up.

"So Lance, are you really as gay as they say you are?"

"Oh honey, I am the Gay God." I say, flipping my hair dramatically and fluttering my eyelashes.

Oliver twiddled his thumbs and chuckles shyly, "Aren't you afraid people will outcast you?"

"Of course not. If someone doesn't like me just because I'm gay, then they aren't worth it." I smile brightly, laying a hand on his knee.

I notice Spencer tense up and glance over my shoulder at him. His face instantly flares into a fiery blush and he looks away from me, out the window. Hmm... I think Spencer may be hiding something. A devious little plan starts to form in my mind and I grin to myself.

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