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Spiritual Training

your pov

I was unpacking some of my stuff when I felt my stomach growled in a low tone. I barely realize that I haven't eaten yet for breakfast. Good thing, I was able to sneak some snacks last night. I also made some protein bars for the club secretly. Now, I'm not just a medical manager, I'm full-time now and it includes more work.

"Oh?" I heard someone behind me cooed. I turn my gaze to see Miyagi-san. "What's that, F/N-chan? Can I have some?"

I smiled and nodded. "Of course. It was actually made for all of you." I said handing him a lot of packs. "Please give it to the others."

"You're so nice!" He cooed, overwhelming me. I smiled and waved at him as he exited our room.

Of course, I will be sharing rooms with Ayako-san. Since we're both girls and the others will share in the inn that was specially reserved for them.


Ayako-san called me, she's now on her towel. "Let's go?"

I nodded and smile, bringing my duffle bag with me. Today, before the first match tomorrow, Akagi-san together with Anzai-sensei announced that the whole club will have their spiritual training. It includes resting our minds and ignoring the pressure and doubts for a day. It's nice that they consider the idea, and let themselves rest for a day.

Together with Ayako-san, we both enjoyed ourselves in the hot spring.

I rested my head on a stone near me and shut my eyes.

"So, L/N-san..." Ayako-san uttered. "Mind telling me what happened earlier? With that player from Toyotama?"

I blew a fuse before sighing and stretching my arms. "Well, that's Minami Tsuyoshi. He's my childhood friend. Ever since we're in grade school, he has been expressive and vocal about his feelings towards me that I never consider seriously since we're still kids back then." I smiled.

"Right! I've sensed a lot of tension between the two of you! But he admitted it himself that you're his first love." She chuckled. "You sure do knew a lot of people."

I laughed at my position. "I do. Minami is always bold against me back then. He is the type of childhood friend who would always compete against you but end up slacking off. And although he was expressive, he is a big coward. I'm all assured until now."

"The team have discussed something about him before we even arrived here at the tournament's venue." She said. "And with your confirmation, I think we really need to be careful, especially Toyotama is known for getting physical inside the game."

"Yes. I would expect some work after the game. But I'm still hoping that no one from the team will get hurt." I sighed.

"Say, L/N-san. Is Minami someone Rukawa should be threatened of?" I heard her playful chuckled.

I gathered my hair on my right shoulder, and let my fingers ran through each strand. She's obviously teasing me about it. I lowered my head to let my hair get wet.

My brows knitted. "What do you mean, Ayako-san?" I spoke softly.

"C'mon!" She laughs. "I'm sure you know what I mean. It's something that even Anzai-sensei knew."

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