The Man Who Knew Too Much: Final Part

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You've been pushing for more than an hour, and still no baby. You can't keep doing this because it hurts too damn much. Your entire body is red, your face is almost popping blood vessels, you're very sweaty, and all you want is to go to sleep and rest. Dean tries to help you, but there is nothing he can do that will help this. Your magic has been off the rails trying to protect your body from the pain, and you're more than lucky that Dr. Grayson doesn't comment on the sharp threads of magic coming out of your body.

"This hurts, Dean, I can't do it," you wail as your body takes a break.

"Y/N, you're almost there. The head is crowning, okay? You just have to give a couple more hard pushes, and she here," Dr. Grayson tries to encourage.

"I can't," you shake your head and cry.

"Look at me, Y/N," Dean says and moves your head so he's the only one you're looking at. "You are the strongest woman I have ever known. You have been through more pain than this, and I know you can push through this. Just think, once this is all over, she is going to be here. You will get to hold her and kiss her and watch as she smiles and looks right back at you. I know it hurts, okay? I can hear and see it, but you have to keep pushing. Okay? You're almost there."

"Okay," you nod, accepting his speech for what it is.

He tightens his grip on your leg and hand as he gets you ready to push again.

"Okay, push," Dr. Grayson commands.

You scream out in pain as you push a living, breathing human out of your very small vagina. The epidural did shit against this kind of pain, but all you think about is your daughter once she finally gets out. You take a deep breath and push one more time, and that's when her head pops through.

"You're almost there! Give one more hard push, Y/N. You got this!" Dr. Grayson smiles.

Your next push isn't as strong as the other ones are, but it doesn't matter. You sob at the final push, and your daughter's entire body is pushed through. It's like a wave of relief crashes down over you as your womb is finally free, and your vagina closes once the foreign body is removed. You lay back in your bed and just sob, and Dean pushes back all the hairs that have stuck to your forehead.

"You did it, she's here," Dean smiles.

"Would you like to cut the cord, Mr. Winchester?"

"Dean is fine, and yeah," he nods.

He grabs the scissors that Dr. Grayson handed to him and takes a look at his daughter. She is purple and gooey, but she is the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. The umbilical cord is throbbing a bit, but he cuts where Dr. Grayson told him to cut. The cord is a lot squishier than he thought it was going to be, but he's glad it's over. Any pain he got through all of this doesn't amount to what you just went through.

"Why can't I hear her cry?" you cry. "I can't hear her crying."

"Relax, right now, Y/N. We're going to do everything we can to help her breathe."

"Breathe? She can't breathe? What is going on?" you ask, but they take her away without answering your questions.


"Aperit fauces eius ad mundum nostrum, nunc, ianua magna aperta tandem!" Crowley yells as he finishes the spell.

Bobby looks up and around the room when nothing happens. Something must be wrong. Wrong place, wrong time... wrong ingredients.

"Mm-hmmm. Maybe I said it wrong," the demon sighs.

Bobby groans as he sits up, and when he hears the flap of wings, he looks behind the angel and the demon to see Castiel standing there with an empty jar of blood.

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