You Can't Handle the Truth: Final Part

2.1K 52 25

Pairing: Eventual Dean x Reader

Word Count: 1.8k

Warnings: angst, canon violence


When you wake, you're no longer lying on the floor, but tied up to a pillar. Sam and Dean suffer the same fate, but you're not worried about them one bit. Your child... is she okay? It's way too early to feel her kick, so you rely on your magic to tell you if she is going to be okay. A warm and comforting feeling comes from your womb, and you just know no harm came to your child. You really need to be more careful now that you're carrying. The pregnancy tests are still in your pocket, but you don't know if Veritas knows about them or not.

Let's hope not. It would not be a good way to tell either brother about the pregnancy.

Veritas is putting all three blood-soaked knives into one of her drawers where the dentist is lying. You look at the brothers to see them watching her with careful eyes. You shift your gaze down from Sam to his hands and see that he has a switchblade in his hands and is using it to cut his rope.

You don't need one, you have your magic to undo it. It'll take a lot less time for it to happen.

"Mm. Sit tight. You're up next," she grins.

She takes a pair of pinchers and reaches into the mouth of the dentist's patient with it. She grabs his tongue and takes it out, looking at it like it's a fucking hamburger. Well, maybe to her it is. All three of you cringe in disgust, but she doesn't feel fazed.

"The tongue is the tastiest part. It's where the lies roll off," she grins and sets it back on the table. "Mmm. Mmm! I cannot wait to eat all of yours. I mean, I've seen liars before, but you three? Gold standard."

"Point of professional pride," Dean scoffs.

Your magic continues to work to loosen the ties at the same time Sam's knife works on his. You're going a lot faster than he is but not by much.

"I wouldn't be so cocky if I were you, Dean. You know what happens when you base your life on lies, right? The truth comes along and... So, while you've still got your tongue... God knows you've got an earful."

She moves over to Dean and kneels next to him so that she can be more intimidating to him. You can feel her powers trying to affect you, but whatever magic you have that's not protecting your child is rejecting hers.

"I think it's your turn to spill some. How 'bout we play a little truth or truth? What should we ask Dean first, hmm? Something personal about you two?" She looks at you and Sam. "Hey, Dean, I'm curious. What do you really feel about your brother and ex-girlfriend?"

"Better now. As of yesterday, I wanted to kill him in his sleep," he says hesitantly but truthfully.

Sam is surprised, but it's more of a shock because he wasn't expecting it, not that he's actually hurt by it.

"I thought he was a monster, but now I think he's just acting like me."

"What do you mean?"

"It's this fucking gig. You're covered in blood until you're covered in your own blood. Half the time, you're about to die. Like right now. I told myself I wanted out—that I wanted a family."

"And how do you feel about Y/N? Hmm?" she grins maliciously.

"I wanted a family with you so badly, and I thought I could have been a great father, but I'm not. Maybe if I had treated you better, then I could have been. You deserve so much more than what I can give you," he confesses.

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