The Third Man: Final Part

2.3K 60 24

Pairing: Eventual Dean x Reader

Word Count: 1.3k

Warnings: angst, canon violence, smut, rough sex


Now that the case is solved, it's time to get out of this hellhole. Sam's car is ruined, so he's forced to move back into his brother's car. You still have your motorcycle, but if Dean is truly back in the game, then maybe it's time to get rid of her. It's way easier to have one car anyway. Maybe tomorrow you'll sell her to a dealership or something—leave it in an alleyway with the keys—something.

Sam is putting his bag of weapons in the back where Dean's are, but there is other stuff back there. Stuff from his life with Lisa.

"I didn't realize I had this much stuff back here," Dean chuckles.

"Well, I need some space. Kind of picked up some stuff along the way," Sam holds up his duffel bag.

Dean makes sure the area is cleared before Sam drops his bag in the same place. You notice a mask tucked away in the back, and you grab it to inspect it. It's a monster mask that closely resembles a wendigo.

"What the hell is that?" Sam asks and grabs it from your hands.

"Oh, it's, uh, Ben's Halloween costume."

"Wendigo?" you ask.


"Accurate," Sam approves.

Dean closes the truck when Sam replaces the mask to its rightful place.

"Sam, I know you really want to just go, go, go, with these cases, but I need a break. I'm getting a motel room for the rest of the day. No one bother me until tomorrow morning. I don't need to think about another case right now. I'll see you two later," you say goodbye.


It's nice to have a motel room all to yourself. No men to crowd your space, free to do whatever you want, and no one to answer to. You can do whatever you want for however long you want. Right now, all you can think about is taking a long bath to de-stress yourself. Grabbing your shower stuff, you're about to head to the bathroom when someone knocked on the door.

The only people who know you're here are Sam and Dean, but that doesn't mean something else won't try to tick you off. You set your stuff down and head to the door. You pull the curtain back just slightly to see who it is. When you lock eyes with familiar green ones, you open the door carelessly.

"I told you I didn't want to be disturbed."

"I know, I just wanted to talk to you for a second."

"What is it?" you ask just as he closes the door.

"I don't really appreciate how you just threw yourself into the line of fire like that."

"What are you talking about?"

"Raphael could have killed you."

"Dean, I'm fine. Seriously, the wound is gone. No scar," you wave him off.

You really don't want another fight.

"I'm not talking about just that. Look, I don't know what you've been up to for the past year, but judging how you acted today, I can only imagine how reckless you were before."

"Reckless?" you scoff and cross your arms.

"You put yourself into a fight you had no business being in!"

"No business being in? Who the hell are you to tell me what fight I should or should not fight in? You're not my father, and you're certainly not my boyfriend!" you glare.

"Yeah, you made that perfectly clear, Y/N."

"What the hell is your problem? Get over it. Move on!"

"Oh like you did with Sam?"

"You know what, get out. I don't want to do this right now. In fact, I don't want to do this ever! Stop pretending like you own me or something! If I wanna have sex with Sam, then I'm going to have sex with Sam. In fact, where is he? I'm going to see if he's free," you stalk to the front door.

You're only doing this to get under his skin. Since Dean came back into your life, you haven't thought about Sam like that. Sam was only there to serve as a distraction. That's all. However, Dean didn't know this. He wasn't about to let you hop on his brother's dick.

He doesn't think about anything but making you stay here. He slams the door shut just as soon as you open it and grips your hip in his free hand. You turn in his arms to glare at him, but you don't see any anger in his eyes—only jealousy. He's jealous that you and Sam hooked up, but why would he be jealous? He's the one who broke up with you.

He locks the door and places his hand on the door beside your head. He's so close to you, and your body is screaming at you to go for it. To say you've been craving him would be nothing but the truth. There has been underlying sexual tension the second he walked back into your life. Now's your chance to get some of it out.

His eyes flare with passion and jealousy, so it's no question what's going to happen next. He slams his lips against yours, and the grip on your hips tighten. It's been too long since you've felt his lips. You crave him more than anything, and now that you have him, you're not going to let him go.

You claw at his shirt, and he pulls away long enough to rip it off. Clothes fly off one another in a heated passion, and you're soon bared to him. Everything he once saw is now right in front of him. You grip his shoulders and jump, and he catches you in his arms. He's painfully hard, and a dollop of his sweetness is dripping down the side of his cock. You can't wait to have his cock stretch you out, to fill you up so much that his come drips down your thighs when you're done.

He doesn't waste any time and puts the tick of his cock at your entrance. He buries himself in one thrust, and your mouth forms an "o" as pleasure spikes throughout your body. He grips your hips painfully hard (you know you'll have bruises to admire later) and starts pounding into you. Your back is flush against the door, your hands are pulling at his short hair, and moans are spilling out of your mouth. While Sam is much longer than Dean is, he's at the right girth to make him feel like home. Inside you is where he belongs.

"Fuck! Dean!" you yell.

"Can Sam do this for you? Huh? Can Sam make you scream like I am?" he asks in a gruff tone.

He pistons his hips so that there isn't even a second where he's completely out of you. This last year must have been rough for him because he's definitely spilling all of his anger into you.

"No! God, you're the best!" you squeal.

He smirks and kisses your neck, biting the skin between your shoulder and neck. He knows it's the place that's most sensitive for you. It's the place he can leave all the hickies he wants, and you can just look down and see them for yourself. Your whole body feels like it's on fire that only Dean can put out

"Shit! I'm close!"

"Wait for me, sweetheart," he orders.

He gives three more hard thrusts, and you're clenching around him as if you're afraid he'd leave you. You release all over him, and he shoots his load into you. To feel his come is something you truly miss. Your legs are shaking and your breath is short, but this has been the best night of your life in a long time. He's breathing heavily into your neck, his hands are roaming what he can touch, he's leaving little kisses on your neck, and his cock is pulsating inside of you.

It should feel amazing to have him in your arms again... why do you feel so dirty?

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