Chapter 9

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(Caleb's POV)

As i walk away from my dorm, i can't help but smirk at my accomplished work. I've known Damien was a daddy dom for a long time now. He didn't have to tell me for m to know. He tries to act like he doesn't care about Teddy, but i can see it in his eyes. He does.

Thats why i was so surprised and angry at Damien's outburst today. It's not the first time that he has gotten that angry, but Teddy is new to this, and the way Damien spoke to him made my blood boil. I've taken a liking to the small boy, in a platonic way. He's sweet and delicate. You've got to be cautious when it comes to him.

I have no doubt that Damien is going to make things right again though. They're good for each other. Don't ask me how or why, because i don't know. All i know is that on the first day i say Teddy, I immediately thought of Damien and how much he would like the kid.

Its hard not to like teddy. He's innocent and he's nice to everyone without even trying. I knew that Damien liked him from the first day in the diner. It was obvious. Not to the outside world, but it was to me.

I've been close to Damien for a while now. He's one of my good friends, and i can tell when he's holding himself back. He gets that specific look in his eyes.

Damien thinks he's slick. He thinks no one notices, but i do. I notice the way his lips twitch up, when he tries not to smile at something adorable Teddy does. I haven't seen Damien smile in a long time, so the thought of him trying to hold back a smile directed towards Teddy is almost endearing to me.

I see the pure adoration in his eyes when he looks at Teddy. It's obvious. I mean, at least it is to me. He tries to hide it. Mask it. I can tell. But I'll never let him know that i know, because knowing him, that would only make him distance himself more.

He tries to act like he has no emotions, but i can see right through him. And Teddy is slowly cracking his hard shell. I'm thankful i get the chance to watch as Teddy brings back the old Damien without even trying. Because to Teddy, he's just being nice, but to the rest of us, he's preforming a miracle.

Thats one of the only reasons i left the two alone in a room together after today. Because they work well together. And i know that Damien is going to make up for it because i can see it in his eye. He didn't mean it.

Part of me feels bad for accidentally letting it slip that Teddy is a little, but another sick part of me isn't mad at myself for it, because if i didn't say it, Damien would have still kept his distance. When i told him, for the first time in a while, i saw his face light up. It was beautiful to watch, but i didn't comment on it because i know Damien thinks he has to keep his "tough guy" act up. I know he's a softie at heart. And i know for a fact, that Teddy can be the one to bring out those parts of him.

I mean, hell, teddy brings out the soft part in all of us. In everyone around him. You don't even have to know him to want to be gentle with him. Its like the air around him screams "CAUTION. HANDLE WITH CARE" . No one wants to be responsible for breaking him.

"What happened?" Faith asks, as i approach the table, where the four of them are now sitting, chatting lightly amongst themselves.

"Is he ok?" Finn asks before I'm able to respond to Faith's question. I contemplate telling them the truth, but realize that its not my secret to tell, so i come up with an excuse.

"Teddy just got a little bit overwhelmed so i took him back to our dorm" i say, earning nods from the rest of them.

"But is he ok?" Finn asks again, and i finally realized how worried he actually seems about his friend. I smile gently at him, nodding my head.

"He's ok. Damien's there with him, apologizing." I shrug. Ryan chokes on his milkshake at my words, sending him into a coughing fit. The rest of my friends paying no attention to him, and instead staring at me with wide eyes.

"H-he's apologizing?" Ryan asks, with disbelief laced in his voice.

I nod my head, stealing a fry from jack's plate which earns me a glare from him. "Yeah" i say.

"What the fuck" Faith mutters to herself.

"But he never apologizes" Jack points out

"Well apparently he felt bad enough this time because he told me he wanted to apologize to Teddy"

"I'm surprised but not disappointed. Thats what he should be doing. He should apologize for the way he spoke to Teddy, it was uncalled for" Faith says with determination, earning nods from everyone, including myself.

"I wanted to punch him in the dick for what he said to Teddy" Jack grumbles.

"Theres no need for violence" i say, leaning back in my chair. Ryan smirks, looking over at Finn, who looks proud of himself.

"Too late" Jack says chuckling.

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused.

"Finn here got in a good hit. Who knew he had such a strong swing." Ryan smirks, patting Finn on the back like a father, proud of his son for finally hitting the baseball with the bat.

"You punched him?" I exclaimed, leaning forward in my chair. As much as i hate what Damien said to Teddy, I've never been a fan of violence.

"I was just really pissed at him. Okay?" Finn mumbles, but doesn't seem regretful of his actions at all.

"Nah. He didn't punch him. He would probably break his wrist the minute his fist came in contact with Damiens rock hard abs. He just slapped him" Faith says. I laugh at the bluntness of her joke. Its one of the things i like about her. She's always been super blunt.

Some might call her mean for some of the things she says, but i honestly love the fact that she doesn't have a filter. Maybe its because that means she's always being truthful and she's not afraid to voice her opinions. A ding comes from my phone, signaling i have a message. I smile to myself when i read when Damien texted me.

Don't come back for a little while. I want to spend some more time with Teddy.

"It was a hard slap too" Ryan says, wiggling his eyebrows. I decide not to include myself in the conversation anymore.

I was having conflicted emotions. Part of me was happy that Finn slapped Damien. Maybe it was like a wake up call. But then another part of me hated that we had to use violence against our own friend. It felt wrong and right at the same time, leaving me a confused mess.

I just hoped that Damien was fixing his own mess right now.

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