xi : treat

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You sent Rayn frantic texts begging him to reconsider or meet up with you. He told you he'd meet up with you in a couple of days but he needed time to think alone for now.
You hadn't heard from him since last night, not that you were worried. What worried you more was the guilt hit you and was eating away at you. You got comfortable lying to Rayn, your friend, you got comfortable hanging out with a known murderer, and you got comfortable committing crimes with that murderer.

You never wanted to be like him.
For now, you could convince yourself you and him weren't alike.

You woke up and went to wash your face, something you forgot to do last night due to the stress. You hovered over the sink, looking at your star and teardrop that looked unscathed. You splashed the water in your face, rubbing in soap to let the suds do their job. You repeated your usual routine, only to discover the marks on your face weren't coming off.
You kept your composure, ceaselessly scrubbing at your face. By the end, your cheeks were a little puffy and the marks stayed on. You couldn't figure it out.. It wasn't washing off, it didn't peel off..

Eventually you gave up, deciding to threaten Hisoka when you saw him again.

You called him asking to meet up somewhere but he already had something in mind.

Strangely, Hisoka invited you over for dinner at night which made you question what he wanted from you. You hadn't had a dinner date with him in what felt like forever.

You got ready as usual, a red dress and a little perfume. You knocked on his door, thinking back on how nervous you were to knock the first time. He answered the door, wearing a black suit and a red tie.

"Early aren't you?~"

You were tapping your foot, nervously.
"I don't know. I got bored. Why'd you invite me anyway?"
"Consider it my treat for doing so well yesterday." He opened the door to let you in.

You took your shoes off, immediately turning around to face him again.
"I don't need a treat for what we did yesterday."
"You were happy to participate, am I wrong?" He questioned you. He was not wrong, that was the aggravating part.

"It was your idea!"
"And you enjoyed yourself. You really do make a perfect partner, (y/n)."

Your frustration got the best of you, "We aren't the same. I'm not like you." You lashed out refusing to let tears form. You diverted your eyes from him, knowing he was getting a thrill out of your explosive attitude.
He chuckled as you grew more upset, "But we're not all that different you see. I may be insane but in a way, you're just as bad."

Your face got hot with angry denial, he continued, "You're a simple fighter at heart. Leave the killing to me. You're not cut out for that, apparently, since you make such a fuss constantly." He looked down at you.

He was poking at you with his words knowing you'd prove him wrong. Of course he knew you wouldn't hesitate to kill someone, you were skilled and intelligent.
At this point he could predict your moves pretty well. In the midst of your rage, you didn't know his words were only meant to provoke you, so of course you fell into his scheme.

In one swift move you threatened your knife to his neck.

"I could kill you if I wanted to. Don't underestimate me, bastard." His eyes widened then narrowed with excitement.

"There's my doll." He looked you in the eyes. Your tight hold on your knife loosened, you almost dropped your knife. His eyes like gold coins shining into your (e/c) ones.
Suddenly your positions switched and he had your neck behind one of his cards. You gasped at how quickly you lost control. Distracted. You cursed yourself in your head.

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