xxiii : lover's flower

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tw: accidental use of aphrodisiacs

You forgot to close your curtains before falling asleep, leaving you with rays of the morning's sun disturbing you to consciousness. You reached over to pick up your phone and noticed that it was a bit out of reach.

As soon as you unlocked it, it opened immediately to the contacts app which revealed that Hisoka put in his number for you before he left.

Initially, you were tempted to delete it but you decided not to.. just in case.

You stretched your right arm all the way out to the other side of the bed. The bed seemed a lot larger when he was gone, but it also seemed a lot emptier without him. You rolled to the middle taking in a deep breath and getting the smell of his cologne and shampoo that lingered on your sheets.

Fuck. You missed him already.

You brought your attention back to your phone realizing that there was no hope for you drifting back to sleep.

Rayn had sent you a simple "good morning! :D" text that made you smile. You replied back giving him back the same enthusiasm.

You pushed yourself out of bed, feeling how sore you were from yesterday. It wasn't unbearable but mildly uncomfortable. You went to your kitchen to boil some water over the stove.

Maybe some hot tea would ease some of your achiness.

You looked at the glass jars that you filled in the rainforest months ago, realizing that now was probably a good time to put them to use.

There were a few jars you could've chosen.. There were the purple leaves or the black ones. One jar in particular caught your eye. The jar with pink petals and yellow pollen that sat at the bottom of the jar. This was the famous Lover's Flower that you gathered for yourself. You couldn't remember exactly what the effects or benefits of the plant were. All you could remember was it had something to do with love and healing relationships.

It all sounded unreal so you didn't see the harm in dumping the entire jar in the bubbling pot, along with your favorite tea leaves of course. Even if it didn't work magic, at least it would taste good.

You turned off the heat to let the leaves soak in the pot before pouring yourself a cup. It was a reddish brown color and it smelled incredibly sweet. Before you knew it, your cup was empty and you were thirsty for another. Honestly, it tasted as good as it smelled.

You helped yourself to another cup, downing it without a second thought.

You shook the empty glass jar wishing you had brought more home with you because it was pretty flavorful. The warmth of the tea spread through your body.

How about one more cup.. you know, while it's still hot. Can't have too much tea go to waste right?

You poured out the rest of the drink into your cup without intention of drinking it, just you wanted to rinse out your tea pot.

The cup stood alone on the countertop in an ominous way, the steam escaping from it in one thin line. You washed out your tea pot before going back to bed.

You stared at the ceiling with a bored expression on your face. Nothing happened. Was that a relief or disappointment.. you didn't know. All you felt was warm- Which wasn't a bad thing, it was just a simple observation. It was disappointing that this plant with supposed magical powers made you feel nothing.

"What a ripoff." You scoffed to yourself.

A couple minutes passed and then you were starting to feel something. A tingling sensation ran through you like a circuit. The warmth that you felt earlier was turning into a feverish heat.

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