xxv : too normal

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"You want me to help you dye your hair?"

"That's right." You looked at him questioningly while he held out all the products for you. You had noticed his hair was losing the bright pink shade it once was, but you just thought he would take care of it himself.

He handed you all the products you needed to dye his hair so you just started without much hesitation. It was surprisingly easy to apply the product, you just took little sections and coated it thoroughly in the dye.
Hisoka seemed somewhat lost in thought while you did it.

You set the dye bowl down on the ground next to him. While you were focused on the last section of hair he stuck his finger in the bowl, coating it in the colorful dye.
When you finished, you brought him a little hand mirror and showed him the almost finished product.
"Wow. You did a splendid job. I'm impressed." He said then turned to give you a kiss.

He grabbed your face and pressed his lips against yours sweetly before he wiped his dye-coated finger on your cheek. You felt him begin to smile against your lips before you pulled away.
"Ahh! You're gonna make a mess, asshole." You scooted away from him as you saw the playful smirk on his face. Your face was hot as you smiled softly and wiped the dye off your cheek.

"(y/n), when may I wash it out?" He asked as if he couldn't just read the box himself. Still, he looked so innocent right there with the mess of pink hair dye on his head and stained on his hand. You couldn't be a bitch.
"It says here 30-35 minutes."

He ended up getting impatient and washed it out about ten minutes too early.

He dried his hair with a towel and left it down instead of gelling it up like he usually did.
"Why don't we spend the night doing something you'd like?" He offered.
"Why?" You looked at him with genuine curiosity.

"It's only fair."

You looked out the window to see that the sun just started to set. There was a whole night ahead to enjoy.
"How about a picnic?"

You never really expected to go on a normal date with him but there you were. On a casual date. After all that time you spent with him killing people and committing crimes you went on a normal date. You hadn't done something normal since the first date when you had dinner at his apartment.

Of all the things you could've chosen to do, Hisoka didn't understand why you would choose.. a picnic. You seemed so content about your decision too but he didn't really see the excitement in it. He wasn't going to dull your shine though.
You went into a cute little grocery store without many other customers inside. You didn't have a list of food in mind but you wanted enough for the two of you to eat. Hisoka grabbed a bottle of wine and then you headed to check out.

The cashier gave the two of you a strange look which you paid no mind to.

As he paid for the food you saw the candy shelves next to the register and the bubblegum caught your eye. You put the pack of Bungee Gum on the belt. "My favorite." He said with deceivingly kind eyes while he flexed his pink aura.

After you were done getting food, you went to the roof of some tall building to look over the city.
It was windier high up and it got cold at night. A part of you was happy to have a day that you weren't ruining (or ending) someone's life. You got a little queasy if you reminisced on everything you've done for too long. Just thinking about how your younger self would be so disappointed got you feeling off.

But enough about that.

He laid down a picnic cloth on the floor, and set all the food on top. It felt strange to do something so normal with him but you were quite happy at that moment.
You sat next to each other and ate the food in silence while you both looked out at the horizon. He poured you a glass of red wine, while you admired the stars that peaked through the clouds of the night sky.

Hisoka didn't enjoy dates like this as much as he enjoyed his other hobbies, but he knew you needed a break to stay at your potential. He didn't want his toy to go out of commission at his fault.
You sipped your wine and ate your food with him.

"You ever wonder what it'd be like to live a normal life?" You asked him.

"I would never dream of living normally."
He got up and reached his hand down to you. You took his hand and he pulled you up to stand with him. You stood at the edge of the building and looked down at all the people walking around on the sidewalk living their normal lives.

"Just take a look at all of those nearly nonexistent auras. Not a single person in view is even close to 20 points. They have no idea how useless they are without nen." He talked as if the people were pitiful things.

He had a point though, they were pretty helpless. "I guess. Most people are annoying anyway." You shrugged.

"You understand me perfectly." He said, then attached the pack of gum you bought earlier to his aura and brought it to his hand. He held a piece of gum between his fingers and fed it to you.
"Even most Hunters end up being nothing special." He explained with a disappointed tone.

"You've got pretty high expectations." You responded.
"I suppose. I only pick fights with the best."
"It's probably better that way. Imagine if you just went out fighting everybody on the street."
"I'm getting bored at the thought."

Compared to everyone else's aura, yours and Hisoka's was beyond overwhelming. The average person's aura was so thin you could hardly see it.

You leaned over a little too much over the edge and felt yourself begin to slip. Your gut felt like it dropped as you realized you were beginning to trip.

Hisoka reached out with a firm hand and pulled you to his chest. "How clumsy of you. I can't have anything happen to you yet, butterfly." "T-thank you."

You cleaned up the picnic but stayed on the roof, now sitting side by side with your legs dangling over the edge.
If you fell, Hisoka would just pull you back with his elastic aura. You both chewed your bubblegum until it lost all its flavor. You were blowing a bubble while he turned the picnic blanket into a bed of red flower petals.

"How did you do that?" "Just a little magic trick~" He said with a proud smirk. You no longer found his mischievous smile too intimidating even though you knew you should.

You went your separate ways and you walked back to your hotel alone.

The night felt colder without him.

You put your hands in your pockets on your walk back and you felt your fingers brush against a velvety texture. Pulling the soft object out of your pocket, you revealed a rose the same color as the wine you shared.

Somehow he had snuck a little rose in your pocket for you to find. A warm sensation took over your chest.

For a murderer, he was fairly romantic.

You fell on your bed and stared at the ceiling with the warm feeling still in your chest. You reached over and put the rose on your nightstand.

You wondered, if nen didn't exist and if the world wasn't as cruel, what kind of person Hisoka Morow would be.

But that was an aimless thought because even in this version of the universe, you like him regardless of how villainous he is.

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(a/n: again, my summer job sucks and it's making me post chapters slowww :( but yeah this chapter was kinda short nd kinda sweet <3 lmk what you thought , i hope you have a good day / night and take care of yourself ! next chapter coming saturday)

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