xii : amusement park

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You saved your excited panic for when you got to your hotel room. You honestly couldn't believe you just got fucked by the man you fantasized about during the Hunter Exam. World's a weird place isn't it?

What nagged your brain though, was that you wanted to do it again. You were never satisfied with just once, which upset you to no end.
You couldn't just have great sex once then let it go. You were hungry for more, insatiable some would say.

The convenient thing was, Hisoka felt the same way. He thought only fighting and finding strong opponents were his greatest desires. Now he could add you along with that list.
The way your body gave him pleasure was incredible to him. He wanted more. He wanted more of you, because you were such a good deal to him. You had amazing nen ability, strong fighting skills, and you could keep up with his sexual needs. Your personality was a lucky bonus: you put up with him and his occasional boyish behavior. You helped cure about half of his boredom, being the most important part.

He would never want a boring partner.

He called and told you he'd pick you up in the afternoon the next day. You wondered what he had planned, but you rested easily knowing doing anything with Hisoka was nothing short of entertaining.

You woke up, the clouds covering the sun leaving the sky a blue-ish grey. You took a quick shower and did your usual morning routine. Hisoka didn't tell you any specifics about what you were doing today so you wore the hoodie you stole from him earlier along with some black pants you liked. His hoodie still smelled like him, your face seemed to glow at the familiar scent.

You wasted time laying on your bed playing with your nen, until it was time to meet him outside. The bellhop gave you a strange look when you walked past that you couldn't figure out. You weren't wearing anything particularly strange.. You pulled out your phone as you walked out to see what he was staring at. It's that damn star and teardrop. You rolled your eyes, letting yourself in Hisoka's car. He went to hug you and you pushed him away, he laughed, "You're so cute wearing my clothes, little (y/n)."

He wore a white and purple themed outfit that complimented his pale skin tone. You ignored him for most of the car ride as he was being more touchy and annoying than usual.
"Where are we going?"
"An amusement park."
"Why?" "It'll be fun, (y/n). I even brought you some sweets." He said, pulling a little heart-shaped lollipop from behind him like magic. The corners of your mouth curled into a small smile at the gift. You looked up at him and asked, "How did you do that?"

"A magician never runs out of tricks."

You arrived, and what Hisoka failed to tell you was that it was an abandoned amusement park. The whole place looked rusted and forgotten. Hisoka fit in the setting perfectly, being the strange magician he is.

"You forgot to mention it's an abandoned amusement park."
"Oh.. seems so." You kind of liked how it was quiet and how you knew you weren't going to be bothered by any strangers. You figured that's why Hisoka liked it too. It felt like the two of you had the place to yourself.
Your eyes lit up at the sight of the carousel, which Hisoka noticed. It was strange to you, how this park was probably once filled with people and lights but now it was dull with only you and Hisoka as guests. The carousel was decorated with some parts maintaining colorful and bright and other parts looking decayed.

You went up to one of the metal horses, gliding your finger over the chipped paint. Hisoka sat down on one, starting to shuffle his playing cards. You wondered if he had been here before. You walked on the carousel, going in circles wondering what it would be like if it was still active.

There were so many things to explore and look at, there was the ferris wheel, the deserted rides and booths. There were broken parts everywhere and weeds that flourished, taking over a lot of the area.

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