xvii : distraught

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Hisoka slept better when you were around. He slept even better when you were in his arms. He didn't really understand it himself, but he had felt himself get possessive over you more often these days.

In his eyes you were his toy, and only his. You were his perfect little doll, and he didn't want anybody else touching you. He knew somebody else would figure out how valuable you were, but he wanted you all to himself.

He also knew that you were getting a little too skittish when it came to murder. He needed you to be a little more.. cold-blooded.
You were already somewhat quick to anger which he found endlessly amusing, but he found that your threats fell particularly empty lately, much to his disappointment.

As much fun as it was to toy around with you and satisfy his sexual needs, he never lost sight of his end goal. Fighting you.

The mix between your growing fondness for him, and your hesitance to kill meant that if Hisoka tried to fight you, you would probably be an easy defeat.

"Now, that would be too boring." He thought.

He stroked your cheek with his fingertips while you slept, letting you sleep in longer even though the sun was rising.

His plan?
To make you comfortable enough with killing, then eventually initiate a battle with you.

He was getting excited at the thought of it.

You shifted in the midst of your dream, groaning in discomfort. Hisoka hummed with his head tucked in the crook of your neck. Though you were faced away, he could easily picture how beautiful you looked.

Hisoka's a patient man, and he would wait until you were molded into the perfect opponent.
You were worth waiting for, because good fruit is best when ripe. And, if he was being honest with himself, he was having fun with you. And, he had grown fond of you as well. So, he didn't mind waiting.

You woke up, pulling the blanket over your head to block out the sun.
"I don't wanna do anything today." You complained.

Hisoka left you alone on the bed to make breakfast. He already knew what he was going to make you do today, and he also knew that you weren't going to like it.

You eventually got out of bed, freshening up before you met him at the small dining table he had. You ate together, enjoying each other's company. Your plan was to not ask any questions and hope Hisoka would forget about whatever "job" he had in mind. You figured if you didn't bring it up then left, he would just let it go. The TV played the morning news in the background, just barely audible.

When you finished your food, you put it in the sink and considered just walking out and leaving after that.

You looked over to the bed to find him doing his makeup in front of a small mirror.

You decided you could stay a little longer.

The corners of his mouth were upturned into a slight smile while he carefully painted the star and teardrop on his cheeks. His hand was effortlessly steady to get the shapes pristine. When he was done he looked over to you, and patted the spot next to him.

He handed you the makeup and mirror for you to try on yourself.

You held the brush with yellow paint in a shaky hand. You couldn't keep it steady, probably because Hisoka's staring was making you nervous. The shapes came out a little morphed but still looked pretty on your cheeks. You looked over to him with your eyebrows showing your concern.

"You make it look easy." You complained, putting the mirror down. He laughed under his breath, wiping the star off his face.
"You may practice on me if you'd like." He said.

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