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I went to the basement in the morning to check on Mom and Dads progress, turning the coffee pot on as I went by.

I was careful as not to splash in the puddle at the foot at the stairs before making my way over to the table. There is no light in the basement so I had to rely on my ears to take me towards the tortured moans of Benn.

I lit a match and lighted waxy blob on the stool next to him so I could see the damage. It surprisingly wasn't that bad. They must have mostly threathened him. He was really pale and his eyes were closed. Beads of sweat covered his face and bare chest. He had little red marks covering his chest with blood still slowly seeping out. The sticky substance dripped off the table and into a pool of water below the table tinting it pink.

I walked away and grabbed some stuff to clean his wounds. He can't die of infection now can he? I uncapped the alcohol and cupped my handextra hand on his lips. I took in a deep breath preparing myself like I was the one getting alcohol poured on my wounds. I tilted the bottle ever so slowly, trying not to waste it. It pooled in the middle of his stomache and dripped off the table into the puddles on the floor. As soon as the cold liquid touched his stomache Benn sprang up as far as he could before his restraints caught him;muffled screams came from my hand. I gave him my best intimidating look and put the alcohol down next to the wax blob. I grabbed the towel I tucked in my belt loop and patted his chest clean. I fannally let his mouth go and he looked furious.

"What the fuck Rhyan? Why are you doing this?" He looked utterly confused and scared. I was appalled that he did not understand. That he did not remember.

"You hurt my best friend you bastard! Did you think I'd forget and just forgive you?" I wanted nothing more than to hurt him at that instant. Memories came flooding back to me suddenly; the bounce house,  then growing up, and finnally her coming home with mascara streaking her face and bruises along her arms and covering her face.

I came back to the preasent and realized I need this. Benn must've sensed what I was going to do because he started to freak out again. He pulled at his restraints desperately as I got out Mom's grapefruit spoon. Benn's muscles stood out more and he started thrashing around violently. I got the extra strap and after a while of struggling i got his head in place.

"Your gonna feel this," I luaghed cruelly. He started screaming before it even touched his eye. Blood squirted out and my fury pushed me onward. I didn't calm down until his eye was sitting on the spoon and he had an empty socket. I unstrapped his head and rested a rag over his eye. Time to get ready for school.


Now we're gettin there. So who's Elessa? You'll soon find out my demented lovelies:D

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