Tortureous Chuckles

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All I could see was my hands around a blade, slicing his disgusting flesh. I could practically feel his skin opening already, even though I was only eating a bowl of cereal. I couldn't torture on an empty stomache.

After I woke up all I could think about was that dream. I could tell I wasn't seeing clearly. It was a dream. Those aren't always true but I din't care. Benn was going to pay for what he did to Alessa.

Alessa.... I wish I could see her. Tell her how sorry I am for being a complete idiot. I was blind! I didn't trust her and for that I let her slip through my fingers. A cold tear slid down my cheek slowly.

I finished eating quickly and put my hair up. The air chilled and I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Make him pay," my mother glared at the door that led to Benn. She turned to me and kissed the tears on my face. The corners of her mouth lifted up as she smiled, sadly.

"Make us proud," my father corrected. He just looked at me, his face void of emotion. I couldn't believe him! He didn't care that that sick man in our basement raped Alessa! He used her and then left her! He's the reason she isn't.....

I nodded and moved away from them. Tears streaked my mothers face and my dad wrapped an arm around her, comforting her.

I grasped the cold doorknob and turned it slowly. It was time for Benn to get what he deserved. He was about to meet Satan's daughter.

"What did you do to Alessa!?" I screamed. Rage clearly dripped from my voice and it took over, like it was a demon possessing my body. I had been going at it for half an hour now.

Already, before I got started, there were pitchers of his blood scattered around him and bruises covered his battered body.

I didn't even bother starting with a calm approach. I wanted to kill this mother fucker for what he did to my only friend!

"No answer? What a shame," I smirked and grabbed my needle nose pliers. I gripped his perfectly white tooth speckled with blood and ripped hard. I stuck it in a jar next to me as blood squirted from the socket it came from, followed by a masculine scream.

"What the hell did you do? Just say those three simple words and i'll go easy. If not you'll die slowly and painfully. It will be worse than why you've ever endured," I menaced. I could picture him saying those words. 'I raped her'. Then I would rip his throat out.

His restraints tightened as he balled his hands into fists. Finally he spoke.

"I didn't fucking do anything to her! I dot even know who the hell she is!"

I spat in his face and grabbed another tooth, yanking it out and adding it to the jar. All I could see was red. That love struck Reena Cray just flew out the door.

"LIAR!" I punched him in the face hard. My hand connected with his jaw and I heard a loud, distinct pop. He screamed but this time it sounded wet. He was starting to cough up blood.

I heaved a frustrated sigh and kicked the peddle on the bottom of the table, flipping it up so he was in a standing position but still strapped down. "I can't have you choking to death..." He spat up a little blood on the floor.

"I'll make this simple," I frowned as I took out a picture of Alessa and waved it in his face, tears of frustration ran down my face and tightened my throat. My heart ached as I said those dreaded words: "Admit you raped her! Alessa."

He focused on the picture and looked shocked. He just smiled at me. HE SMILED?! WHAT THE HELL WAS WRONG WITH HIM?!

I screamed in his face, "Say it!" I got out the biggest Bowie knife we had. My hands wrapped around the handle and shook with anger and frustration. A slow rumble shook Benn's chest until it was a full out laugh. He spoke between chuckles and wheezes for air, "Why don't you show that picture to your good ol' father. He likes to tell stories while he'a torturing." He spat up more blood, this time more violently. He hunched forward as far as he could as it came up like puke.

I grew more angered. Why would he start pointing fingers now? On his death bed. I smirked, "You are in the wrong place to point fingers." I looked at my wrist, as if I had a watch on and tapped it. "Oh would ya look at that. Your time's up."

I let out a evil laugh and thrusted the knife into his gut. His chuckles turned to screams as I began skinning him alive until his heart gave out. His blood spewed and covered me head to toe.

After I looked into his only eye and saw he was gone I stopped. I took his jar and labeled it before mechanically walking to the small room where we kept the souvenirs. I set it on the shelf, it's glass gleamed and the eye stared back at me.

The teeth and many other things, including a belly button, sat amongst the eye, but that wasn't what caught my attention. It was the jar next to it. It had a little baby inside. The label was spotted with blood but it read 'Alessa'.

I stumbled back numbly and grabbed the jar. Sobs racked my body as I ran back out towards Benn. I fell in his blood and looked up at him. My eyes blurred and I angrily wiped them away.

Benn was too bulky to be the rapist in my dream. It would have to be someone thin but tall. But then why was her jar in with our torture victim souvenirs?

I held Alessa's jar in my hands delicately and cried. My body rocked back and forth and I sobbed until my eyes were dry. Then I just choked and dry heaved.

Steps creaked down the stairs and a turned around quickly.

Her jar was down here. That meant she was tortured... by someone in the house.

I stared at the person who just came down the stairs.

My voice dripped with venom as I pieced everything together, "Father."

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