Convenient Springs

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Alessa grew up with us. She was like a sister to me. I didn't know what I'd do without her. We did everything together.

But that one day, that one dumb bastard. Alessa went to school alone because I was sick. My parent's were still alive so instead of staying in bed I had to help them clean up some bodies. All day I was up to my elbows in blood and bowels and bleach so I couldn't hear when Alessa drove up to the house. But I could hear when she bursted through the door crying hysterically.

I bounded up those stairs in two leaps and ran to her. I held her in a tight hug and rubbed her back until she talked. She said that her boyfriend, Benn, cheated on her and then broke up with her. She lied. I don't know why but she did.

Her fucking boyfriend, Len, raped her and then broke up with her.

And now I am here. In the same damned room that she got raped in, with the same damned person who raped her. I couldn't belive it.

The door opened, awakening me from my thoughts. Len walked in, looking disheveled but happy. I couldn't believe him. How could he?

He smirked at me, "Morning princess." He stood away and crossed his arms and ankles, leaning on the wall.

"I fucking hate you! Why are you doing this? I LOVED YOU!" I spat. His smirk grew, making me want to sink my teeth into his throat and tear it apart.

"A little fun, I suppose. I remember a girl who asked the same questions. What was her name again? Alyssa? Alicia?" He brought his hand up to his chin, stroking it, and pretended like he was putting some deep thought into it.

"You Bastard! You hurt Alessa, now you will pay!" He just looked at me smug. He pushed himself off the wall and walked over to me slowly. He leaned over, bracing himself with his hand, right next to my chest. I stiffened and kept my eyes on him.

"Look at the situation Sweetheart. You don't really seem in the position to be talking like that." As much as I hated to admit it, he was right. I needed to find a way to get out of here.

He saw the realization on my face and smirked, "You're not getting anywhere soon." He lifted his free hand and tapped the ropes binding my wrists then lightly running his fingers down the inside if my arm. It burned where he touched me, hate and rage bursting through my veins. I spat in his face. He glared and wipe it off with the back of his hand.

"Now we can do this the easy way," he grabbed a strip of cloth and shoved it in my mouth, gagging me and then smirked again, "or the hard way. Either way, you are going to end up just like Alessa." He pushed off the bed and stood up, straightening his clothes. "Don't go anywhere. I'll be right back." He winked and then left, shutting the door behind him.

I needed to get out of here, NOW. I looked up at my hands quickly, trying to see if there was anything I could cut the rope on. It was dark but I could see the gleam of something metal. I stretched and touched my fingers to it. Joy sprang to my face as I felt a sharp pain and then smelled blood. It was sharp. I quickly covered my emotions and then set to work.

I scooted up on the bed and then positioned the sharp object in between my wrists before moving them up and down quickly. It took time and after awhile I was sweating but finally the rope snapped.

For a minute I couldn't believe it had actually worked. I sat there staring at my red wrists until I remembered what I was doing. I stood up shakily, testing out my bearings. My body felt funny from the last remnants of the drug and black dots threatened to blur my vision but I held them back and kept moving.

One foot after the other I wobbled over to the big metal chest of tools. I needed a weapon.

I knew what I was planning on doing, I just hoped I could follow through with it.

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