Benn's Party

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Tate and I had an uneventful night. After we parted ways I called Len about the ink. He sounded happy and congratulated me on finally growing a pair. I laughed and he said he'd set sumthing up with his buddy from the shop.

When I got home my parents were at the table arguing. I dropped my bag on the counter and threw my keys down before noisely clearing my throat. They both turn towards me and got down to business.

"So your getting a tattoo," my father stated. Of course he was the one to break the ice.

I got outraged. "I thought you guys said you were done following me around?! I need some privacy!" Now it was my moms turn.

"Well honey we heard you threatening someone and were hoping we were gonna have a guest to...well to be honest we're desperately craving blood sweetheart! So you can get a tattoo if you bring home someone bad. Do we make ourselves clear?" She was really starting to sound like Dad. I sighed and nodded my head.

Looks like I'm crashing a party.

Earlier that day Benns new plaything blabbed about his amazing party he was gonna throw tonight. She also made sure to tell everyone I was not invited. No one singles me out.

Mom and Dad then left me to get ready for the party. I wasn't a fan of parties but I really wanted that ink, plus I wanted to see Benn suffer. I grabbed my make-up bag and sat in front of my mirror. I applied dark raccoon eyes and deep red lip gloss so it seed as though I just drank blood. I left my stripped thigh-highs and slipped on my black tu-tu. After that I laced up my black and purple corset and zipped up my big boots with many buckles and was out the door.

Benn's party started only an hour ago but by the time I pulled into his long ass driveway it looked like it had already been going on for awhile. Plastic cups were strewn across the front lawn and there was loud music blasting from the speakers inside. I stepped out of my car and made my way to tge front door.

Now if I were Benn where would I be...first of all why would I wanna be him. Gross! I stepped inside the house and was greater by the smell of alcohol. The loud music was ten times stronger in here and there were bodies thrashing around wildly. I made my way up the stairs to where I assumed tge bedrooms would be. I had to shove through a group of guys who were past drunk and tried grabbing my butt while I wasn't looking. I shot daggers at them and regretted not pushing them over the banister as soon as I walked away.

I opened the first door and found a guy passed put in the bathtub with a chicken in his hand and.his shirt lifted over his head. Utterly confused at what I jut saw I decided to continue. Just as I was about to open the next door it was thrown open by a hurt girlfriend stormed past me. BINGO! I waltzed into the room to find a half naked Benn. He looked me over and smirked.

"Did you throw on that outfit just for me?" he laughed. I noticed he had a cast on his broken arm and I stood straighter in pride.

"Yup. So I assume you finally threw away your trash?" I steppes in the room and closed the door. The room was probably the master suite as it had massive bed lying in the middle of the space and a opened door leading towards a walk in closet. Benn laughed and picked up his clothes slowly starting to dress. "So shall weake it your place then?" I mentally slapped my self at his stupidity. I did indeed break his arm earlier today didn't I? Now he wants to get in bed with me? I had to be quick with my answer though and decided to go along with it. Itll be easier then dragging him home. I put on my facade and smiled. I sauntered towards him and grabbed his non broken hand. He looked at me fiercely and led the way downstairs and out the door. I showed him to my car and hopped into the drivers seat.

Wow, first boy I bring home and I hate his guts...not to mention Im leading him to his death.

I just hope I get to have my first kill.

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