Day 4 Part three

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He moves me off the counter and grabs his phone.

"I am on the way." Daddy says.


He puts his phone back and pulls up his pants zipping them up.

"I will finish your punishment later." Daddy says and kisses my head before leaving.

I do have to admit it was hot to see him like that.

That is when I realized what I said before we came together.

Did I mean it? Well I do not know since all that I was wanting was him to stay.

What if we did just get pregnant? Well then we would have a family.

Did we want a family right now? Of course we did and I guess that answers the big question.

We do want to be a mom and will keep trying until we do become a mom.

An hour later and many texts between me and Jonny, daddy is back and undoes his tie to tie my hands together. He then brings us to the bedroom where he unties my hands just to tie them to the bed. He then takes off my robe, strapless bra, and underwear. He takes off his belt, pants, and boxers. He then moves my legs to his chest and slams his fully erected penis into me. He looks into my eyes and repeats again and again until he explodes in me. He eases out of me and take a shower leaving me tied to the bed with my thoughts.

I let myself feel the emptiness from the quiet quck Fuck.

Daddy has never ever ever been that quiet during our love making, but then again he never looked like a wild animal before just an hour ago to a couple minutes ago.

I mean he usually demands who he is to me or we pillow talk, but we never once before today were quiet.

I look at the night stand and see his phone light up, but he is still in the shower.

When he came out of the bathroom he was only wearing a bath towel with water dropping from his blonde hair. He looks at me and whips the tears from my face.

"Baby I......" Daddy says before his phone goes off again.

He looks at his phone then at me like he is trying to choose which one is more important right now.

He unties my wrists and grabs me holding me to his chest. It was not until he puts me on his lap did I notice that he picked me up and carried me to his side of the bed.

Once I am on his lap he picks up the phone talking to who ever called, but I do not stay on his lap. I get off of him and walked to the bathroom.

When I got out of the shower I saw that Daddy was not in the bedroom anymore, so I grabbed my clothes and got dressed. After dressing I walked to the sitting room and saw Daddy sitting on the couch with his hands in his hair like he just got bad news. I sat down on the chair and waited for him to acknowledge me to talk about what is going on.

When he did look up I saw what I think is regret, but he stays quiet for a while just looking at me.

"Baby....."Daddy says.

I look at him waiting.

"I....I....I am sorry...." Daddy says.

"It is okay just go to her. It is my fault for wanting to be here."

I just broke rule number 2, which is interrupting him when he is talking.

He looks at me and shakes his head.

"It is not that...." Daddy says.

Again I brake rule number 2.

"What is it then?"

"If you let me finish I can apologize for being a dick in the bedroom." Daddy says.

I look at him while trying to hold in my tears.

Daddy then gets up off the couch and crouches in front of me whipping my tears away.

"I am so sorry baby!" Daddy says.

"I broke rules, it was my punishment."

Daddy lifts my chin and looks me in the eyes.

"No, baby I was just making myself go insane just repeating that you want me to impregnate you since I left. That was not meant to be a punishment at all. And I am truly sorry I made it seem like it was!" Daddy says whipping the rest of my tears off my face.

I drove him insane just because I said to impregnate me at that time just because I wanted him to stay. I think I ment it, but I never ment for it to make him act like that.

"Baby say something." Daddy says.

"I am sorry I drove you wild."

"You did not drive me wild this time. It was myself that caused it. I was just so happy and having it repeat over and over again just made me want it more." Daddy says.

"Which one more?"

"What?" Daddy asks confused then smiles.

"I want to make love with you so much and I want to impregnate you so much. It is a win win situation." Daddy says with a smirk.

"How is it a win win situation when I will be the one getting bigger and be pushing the baby out of me?"

"Because I get to make sweet love to you and once you are pregnant I will show you how much I love you each and every day including when you are giving birth to our baby." Daddy says.

"Will you always be there for us?"

"Always even if I am at work I will always be by the phone if you need me." Daddy says.

"Even if I just want you to rub my baby bump?"

"Yes even then." Daddy says smiling then kisses my head.

When he stands up I pull him to me kissing his lips once they land on mine.

He pulls away and leans over me.

"Let's try now."

At first he looks a bit shocked, but then he is happy.

"I would love to, but we need to go to bed right now. I promise in the morning we will." Daddy says and picks me up carrying me to the bed.

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