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"Are you going to be good while daddy is at work?"

You would think I would say yes, but nope not after I finally got my daddy and then the next week he has to go on a trip for work and can not take me.

"Baby I asked you a question and I expect an answer."

His phone goes off and he picks it up. I can hear a female voice talking and I of course being in my small space thrown a tantrum. I stomped out of his room, downstairs, in the kitchen, in the front room and to the living room where his bags are. If he can not find his bags he can not leave, so I grab them and hid them in the guest closet and pad lock them. I quietly left the guest room and only started stomping in the kitchen on my way back to his room. Once there I see he is still on the phone while getting ready. So I plopped down on the bed and put on Looney tunes since daddy put a lock on Scooby Doo as a punishment. Maybe he will learn his lesson not to bring work back home and ignore me. He hangs up and stands there looking at me.

"Baby are you going to answer me now?"

Nope I will not answer him since I know if I say no I will get punished in not the good way, but if I say yes, which I know I will not be and have not since hearing he is leaving, I will be punished when he gets back and finds out I lied about being good while he was gone. So either way I will be punished hense why I think it is a trick question and why I am not going to answer.


He takes the remote and turns off the TV. Fine by me it's not like it teaches me anything I do not already know.

"Lil girl I asked if you are going to be good while I am gone."

I pull the covers over me and that made daddy more angry. So he grab the blanket and throws it to the grown. It only takes a minute for him to realize my answer and why.

"Baby I have no choice. You know I do not want to leave and be without you for another week."

"Baby look at me."

I refuse to look at him cause then he will see I am holding in my tears.

"Baby I love you."

Bullshit, if he does love me he would take me instead of leaving me here with money to make up for him being gone for a whole week. It is a simple solution, take me with him, have a room not bought from the company for me, and spend time with me when he can. Even if he can not at least I will be there with him instead of here all alone not knowing if he is okay and when or if he will come back in a week.

"Baby at least promise me you will not start fights or do anything dangerous."

Not promising anything. I know the maid will be here to clean and check on me aka spy on me, but we have never got all since day one we were introduced. I still remember that day.


"Baby please come down and meet a new member of the family."
I being me thought he got me a kitty or a puppy, but nope. When I walked downstairs there standing next to my daddy was a female maybe a bit older than me.

"Baby this is Barbara. She will be here to help around and when I leave in a week for my trip she will be here to make sure you are okay." Barbara was just standing there google eyeing my daddy. "I do not need a babysitter. I am a adult." I stomp and yell. She had a smirk on her face conducting my statement. "Baby last time I left for work not even a full day you had set a fire to the microwave and three pots." Okay it was not my fault that the soup was not cooking and it was not my fault that the stove did not want me to use it. I followed the instructions to the slightest detail. "Now that you guys have met why don't you show Barbara around?" Yeah I will show this witch around and hopefully she gets the clue she is not wanted and needed.

Flashback over

Yep she did not and since then I have hated her more each day.

"Baby please for me."

"I do not want her and I do not want you to leave me. Why can't I just get my own room and come with you. You do not even have to spend time with me. As long as I am there than here I will be happy and on my best behavior."

"Baby you know I can not risk it. This is a big opportunity for the company and one wrong thing or one thing that bugs or ticks them off we loose that opportunity."

Yup figures, work is more important than me, but it was not always like this. When we first met it was a dream come true until I moved in with him and let him take care of me.

"Baby I love you and I have to go now."

He kisses my head and leaves the room. I wonder how long it will take before he gets downstairs, realize his bags are not there were he left them, and come asking me knowing I will stop at noting to get my way. He shuts the door and I start counting in my head.


Wow the new record 15 seconds.

He runs up the stairs and before I can run out the room and down the outside stairs he is in the room and has me pinned between his sexy fit body and the wall. I look up at him with kitty eyes aka incent eye, but both parties know otherwise.

"Baby you will not stop until I take you?."

It sounded like a statement inside a question.


"Not even if I add another million dollars.?"

Now that sounded like a question inside a statement cause he knows I do not care about the money.

"Not even if you and a hundred billion dollars."

"Fine, just grab my bags and I will just buy you everything need once we get there." Daddy says.

Yup I win. Oh indeed he owns his own companies and he has over nine hundred ninety nine billion nine hundred ninety nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine dollars and ninety nine cents in just the one account I have access to. In all he has 20 personal bank accounts and 30 company bank accounts for each company he owns.

I run downstairs, into the guest room, into the closet, unlock the pad lock and run to the front door with his bags. Daddy is already at the door shaking his head at me. I do not know if it is cause I am running in the house which is breaking a rule, or if it is cause of what I pulled just to come with him, or if it is both. Either way I know once we get back I will get my punishment, but I do not care as long as I am going with him. His driver opens the back door for us and inside is his assistant which I hate to death. First of all she has a huge crush on my daddy. Second of all she acts like a total witch to me when daddy is not around, but she also has bad sense of fashion when ever he sends her with me to go shopping. She looks at me questionly.

"I will by her a separate room and she has promised to be on her best behavior." Daddy says.

I can see she is trying to plan something, but it will fail cause I will not leave my room unless daddy take me somewhere.

The whole plain ride I was nervous. I mean I have never been outside of the country and I am terrified of deep water, but then I think I am going with daddy and not staying home.

Daddy (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now