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Once we landed I was more than happy to be back on land. I tried my best not to run to the car waiting for us and during the flight here I tried my best not to show how I felt especially when it felt like the terblance failed. Once in the car I was proud that I only fast walked and did not run to the car. Daddy is sitting next to me while his assistant runs over tomorrow's meeting. I just room everything out and look out my window. Every passing by makes me want to jump out and take pictures. I doubt I will be coming back here with daddy unless he has another work trip here and I do what I did this morning. Anyways in no time we are at the hotel and daddy has us checked in. I think this trip is him co parenting with the hotel owners to make bigger and better hotels. Well if it is not that then I do not know cause daddy never sells his companies. He will leave it as his legacy and I think he secretively wants kids to leave them to. Like a family owned companies for generations to generations to generations and so on. I help daddy with his bags and we check in. Daddy brings me to my room first so we both know where I will be at. In the room he has me sit down while he tells me the rules and what my punishment for each rule will be if I brake them. Even though I planning not to leave this room without daddy I lesson very closely.

"Baby even though you promised to be on your best behavior there are rules and conveyances if they are broken. Rule one, never leave this room unattended. If this rule is broken I will never take you on another trip and that includes vacation trips. Rule two, never open the front door to your room unless I told you who will be coming to your room or unless it is me. If this rule is broken your allowence will be cut from one hundred dollars per week to a dollar per week. Rule three, never make calls on the hotel phone unless it is a life or death situation or you lost your phone. If this rule is broken I will take your phone for a year only allowing you to make calls from the house phone. Rule four, only eat your food at the table. If this rule is broken I will not allow you to go shopping of three months and that includes your shopping springs, shopping for basic necessities, presents, etc. Rule five, no playing around or in the room or hotel. If this rule is broken I will take back and or cancel your birthday present, your Christmas present, and your anniversary present. Now do you understand all the rules and what will happen if any of those rule are broken?" Daddy asks.

"Yes daddy, I understand the rule and the punishments if any are broken, but I do have a question."

"What is your question baby?" Daddy asks.

"Are the regular rules apply while we are here too?"

"Yes all the regular rules and the rules I just said apply while we are here." Daddy say.

"One more question daddy."

"Yes baby?" Daddy asks.

"When can I go shopping for clothes and toilet tress for the time we are here?"

Daddy laughs and grabs my hand leading me out the hotel and to the car. I want to say he forgot to show me where his room will be at, but I know he will be busy soon.  Once in the car we are of to go shopping.

After what feels like hours, but in reality only ten minutes, we are at a clothing store. Daddy walks in while I am looking around to see what I would like, but then a lady in a red dress that looks way to short and tight for her starts eyeing daddy and flirting with him. Daddy just ignores her flirting, but it still makes me angry. I have to calm down or I will be breaking more than one of the rules and be breaking my promise to daddy. I walk up to daddy and kiss his cheek and hand him a set of black lingerie. The lady noticed, bit started acting like she did not. So the only thing I could do without breaking my promise and a rule was to just focus on shopping with daddy.

Three hours later

I have tried everything on that was handed to me at all three stores, got everything I needed and now we are heading to grab a bite. Then at the restaurant is his assistant with work papers making me groan internally. I just sit in my chair and order then wait for my food.

An hour later

We are back at the hotel and daddy helps me with my new items to my room.  In the room daddy sets everything down and just now did I realized he is wearing a black Italian suit with a black silk shirt, no tie, and the shoes I bought him on our first anniversary. I move towards daddy and kiss his lips as a thank you, but then our kiss turned heated and then very heated, but then his freaking assistant had to knock on the door stating they have to go over tomorrow's meeting again. He kissed my head goodnight and left. It pissed me off since for the last month we have never gotten a freaking chance to make love since it is either his assistant, work, family, friends, or he is too tired. Hopefully we will be able to have birthday sex on my birthday in two months.

Daddy (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now