Day One Part Two

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After daddy got pissed and Sarah left daddy got dressed.

"You are not taking a shower with me daddy?"

"No baby I have work to do." Daddy says then kisses my head.

F****N Sarah had to destroy my happiness after I finally get what I have been wanting for what feels like decades. Daddy buttoned his shirt and leaned over me about to give me a kiss until his phone started to go off. Stupid f****n phone!

"Hello... No... I am on my way." Daddy says on the phone.

He hangs up and kisses my head then leaves making me feel like nothing more than a butty call. I get in the shower scrubbing the disgusted feeling off and the memory of Sarah watching us. Then got dress and headed to the restaurant with my body guard that daddy texted me saying that she is going to bring me to wherever I want. He had time to text that, but not kiss me like he meant it or at least told me instead of texting it. Anyways she brings me downstairs to the restaurant so I can eat, but there I see daddy with a striking stunning woman dressed in a pencil mini skirt with a silk read button down shirt. You can tell she is wearing a push up bra and who knows if she is wearing any underwear. Anyways I look closer and the closer we get the more serious I get, she is flirting with him and he is allowing it and laughing at her stupid jokes. This does not seem like a business meeting at all and it shatters my heart. I sit at a table near by, but still out of sight.

After eating what I could since daddy's work meeting aka being a mother f-er. I just wanted to spend as much as I could just to piss him off and once we got back then I would leave.

During my shopping I bumped into a man and everything about him says he is sexy, but not into people like me. So we had lunch and got to know each other while my body guard was off to the side. I found out that he has the same sex partner, but he is what most people call the female in the relationship. Also that he loves to shop, his hobbies are mostly art and decorating houses, his partner is so sweet and caring toward him, he loves animals, and he lives here in Paris with his partner and their little dog. We talked and shopped so long that I did not notice how late is was and how many texts I got from Daddy. When we exchanged number and departed all I could think about is that I made a new friend who happens to be gay and is cool. We were on our way back to the hotel when daddy called and to be honest I did not want to answer it at all.


"Baby where did you go that you did not answer my texts?" Daddy asks.

I so want to roll my eyes and snap at him while deflecting the attention onto why was he with that female earlier, but then there is a huge mess to clean up afterwards.

"Shopping and made an new friend, why was it important?"

"I just wanted to make sure you are okay and if you wanted to go out on a date tonight." Daddy says.

I am trying to stay calm and not give him additude or a hint of what I know and saw.

"Oh you mean about this morning in the room, understandable you had work and just wanted to take care of our needs before having to get back to work. And for the date sure why not if you are not too busy."

I was so hard not to snap and be a b***h.

"Okay I will make the reservation and text it to you." Daddy says.

Of course he will.


"Baby I...." Daddy say before I hang up.

Servers him right, but I know I will get a talking to about that and I really do not care at this point.

We got back to the hotel and daddy is sitting on my bed when I walked in.

Daddy (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now