Day two Part one

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In the morning I woke up excited to meet Jonny's partner. It felt great to feel happy and excited again, but that was short lived when daddy walks into the room with breakfast.

"Good morning baby. I brought you some breakfast in hope we can spend at least the morning together." Daddy says.

Yeah, together in bed you mean.

"I am not really hungry right now."

"Okay, we can skip the breakfast and explore Paris." Daddy says.

I wanted to believe he meant the city and not having sex in different ways, but I knew not to get my hopes up and nor let my guard down.

"I was just going to go see a movie or the ballet."

"Okay we can do that instead." Daddy says.

"I wanted to go by myself since you always have work. And I do not want to bore you with the ballet."

"None sense, you can never bore me baby." Daddy says.


I got ready and came up with a plan that at the ballet I will make an excuse to come back or to leave him behind then meet Jonny at the cafe.

Once I got ready I see Daddy on the phone and he looks at me like he always does when he has to go to work. At first I was relieved a bit, but then hurt and angry.

Why? I do not know really besides that part of me still has feelings for him.

He gets off the phone and walks to me, but I move away.

"I am sorry baby..." Daddy says.

"Yeah you are always sorry that work just happens, but never ever put me first or think of me first."

I do not know why I could not stop myself, but it feel good to let the off my chest.

"Baby..." Daddy say.

"Just go, work is important."

I knew what I was saying, but it surprised me that I through his words at him.

"I..." Daddy says.

"Please just go."

I couldn't even look at him or even say goodbye.

He kissed the back of my head and left.

Once the door shut I grabbed my purse and headed out to see my bodyguard waiting for me. I could see daddy's back walking away, but it has always been his choice to put work before anything else including me.

Once outside the hotel I could breathe a bit better and we went to the park until 1pm which was not very long, to be exact it was only an hour and thirty minutes once we got to the park.

At the Cafe

I had my bodyguard give me some space and sat at the table where Jonny is at.

"An this is Danny, Danny this is An" Jonny says.

"Wow Jonny you did not do her justice." Jack says.

"Thank you Danny, but I bet Jonny was exact to the slightest point on my looks."

"Well, not really I did leave out how smart and cute you looked." Jonny says.

For an hour we sat there talking and getting to know each other until I got hungry. So we left to grab a bite at the closest restaurant.

Inside it was beautiful and it made me remember how much Daddy would used to bring me to romantic places in the beginning.

Once we got seated I saw daddy with the same female from yesterday and yet again Sarah is no where near by.

"An who are you glaring daggers at?" Jonny asks.


"You are looking over there like there is someone that is making you angry?" Jonny says.

"Oh, I am sorry. It is no one that is important anymore."


After we ordered we started to have fun again.

"So An is the one who picked out the out fit from last night." Jonny says.

"Really?" Danny asks.

"Well I can not take all the credit, you did like it before you ask for my opinion Jonny."

"Well thank you, it was what we needed." Danny says.

Not long later Daddy gets up and sees me laughing with the guys. He come over and not please at all manner.

"Uhum." Daddy says.

We stop laughing and I look up at daddy.

"An who are these guys?" Daddy asks.

At first I was surprised he used my name, but then I saw her and still no Sarah.

"Well Jack as you can see these guys are my new friends."

I have never called Daddy Jack before.

He looks at me surprised when I said his name, but then he was angry again.

"Are you going to introduce use?" Daddy asks.

"Well fine if you introduced us to your company."

"An this is Casandra the person who is combining her hotel with the business." Daddy says.

Of course he says that lying through his teeth or keeping part of the information out.

"Jonny and Danny this is Jack, Jack this is Jonny and his partner Danny."

Daddy shakes their hand and looks at me like I am in the dog house.

Then daddy's phone goes off and afterwards he leaves.

"I am so sorry for that."

"It is okay An we understand love and the baggage that come with it." Danny says.


"An we always fight when we do not communicate well, so of course. Please we can see through those eyes you do love him." Jonny says.

After eating and paying we said goodbye since I promise I would talk to Jack. It still sounds weird when I say his name even in my head.

At the hotel

I walked into my room saying goodbye to my bodyguard and headed to the bedroom to freshen up then plan how to tell Jack aka daddy what has been bothering me. I mean Jonny is right I still do love him, but it hurts.

When I opened the bedroom door there on the bed is daddy running his fingers through his hair in a frustrating way.

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