02| i've only read about them in books

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that was the last time she was going to hear their voices for a while.

that was the last time she was going to hear their voices for a while

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"my quirk?"

she asked, seemingly clueless as to what the odd police officer had asked her.

not too long ago, she woke up in a white room with no memory of how she got there. eventually, a pretty lady in a white lab coat came in and seeing that she was awake, called a doctor, who called the officials, who called a 'hero' and an overgrown rat.

that leads to where they were now.

"yes, quirk. or are you quirkless, perhaps?" asked the big rat. she looked at him weirdly, reasons being that one, it could talk, and two, she didn't know what it was talking about.

noticing her silence, the 'hero', as they call him (which he, to her just looked like a normal guy who lacked sleep) grumbled in annoyance as he spoke up

"look kid, a villain with a portal quirk bought you here on accident. we're going to need some information to bring you back to which part of Japan you came from"

she frowned at the mention of quirk again, she was confused. maybe its what they called the demons? she perked up when the rat began talking again

"im sure you are quite shocked about everything, lets start over. whats your name, child?"

she could tell them her name, right? maybe they'd be able to help her, though she couldn't be too sure since they haven't even mentioned anything about the demons yet. she was being wary since they were adults, as well. i mean- at least thats what she guessed given how mature the talking rat spoke.


"y/n-san, im nezu. principal of ua. this is officer tsuragamae and pro hero eraserhead" here they go again about the 'hero' thing. 

she had only ever read about heroes, they only had a few books where they were mentioned back in grace field given that most of the books there were for educational purposes.

"nezu- uhh if you dont mind me asking, where did you keep my friends?"

now it was their turn to look confused. she was the only one, as far as they knew, to have entered the city seemingly out of no where. they were a bit concerned by how she worded things, i mean- she said it like they were keeping them trapped somewhere. "you came alone, miss y/n" the police officer replied, seeing as the two were thinking about whether or not she came with a companion.

she decided to ask a risky question, getting impatient about something these adults haven't mentioned yet. it was usually emma doing the risky stuff, but since she wasn't here, she decided to do it herself.

"are you going to kill me off for the demons?"

the room went dead silent at her question. demons? kill her off? was that why she was being so guarded around them?

𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙪𝙣𝙞𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙨, 𝙗𝙣𝙝𝙖/𝙩𝙥𝙣Where stories live. Discover now