20| internships

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"d'you have your train card?"


"your id? your costume?"


"enough pocket money? your phone?"

"yes! gosh" she face-palmed, an embarrassed flush spreading across her cheeks. the cause, aizawa, had an amused look on his face. 

he was only making sure she had everything she needed. it was their first time since meeting each other to be separated for a long while, and admittedly, he was uncomfortable with that arrangement. 

then again, the middle of the street outside their now-shared apartment wasn't exactly the most appropriate place to showcase their doting-father-embarrassed-teenager-daughter dynamic. 

aizawa sighed, taking the luggage containing her hero costume from her. "you realize you'll be on your own for the week, in a foreign place, with people you only know because i told you about them, right?"

she gave him a look that said, 'really?', as though what he was saying was at all not descriptive of her current situation anyhow. he gave her a dreadful look in response

"i can handle my own, dad" she said jokingly. she didn't mean for it to come out as.. heartfelt? sentimental?, as it did, but the look on aizawa's face..

it meant more to him than he'd care to admit

"whatever." like he'd ever show it. "call me if you need anything"

she smiled, reassuring him, 

"you got it"


"wait here" aizawa said as they entered the train station, exiting briefly to go off somewhere. she could've sworn there was a convenience store in the direction he was headed, but she paid it no mind when hearing a familiar voice. 

"y/n", she smiled, turning to see shoto approach her. she greeted the rest of her classmates who were already present before meeting the pretty-eyed boy half way. 

"shoto-kun, good morning. are you ready for your internship?" she watched as the boy's expression turned into something more.. dismayed, probably at the thought of having to intern for his father of all people. she wondered if it was appropriate for her to ask that, given what he told her before. 

"..you know the answer to that" the unfairly pretty boy settled on, not wanting to dampen the mood any further. shoto had somewhat picked up a form of.. empathy, while being around the h/c-ette so much, which many took notice of. "what about you?"

𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙪𝙣𝙞𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙨, 𝙗𝙣𝙝𝙖/𝙩𝙥𝙣Where stories live. Discover now